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Canadian English, Chapter II, Part 2

Chapter II, Part 2

Canadians fought in both World Wars. When peace came at the end of the second world war, Canada was an important middle level military power. Many Canadians died in both world wars. English Canadians were especially willing to support Great Britain since they felt themselves part of a vast international community called the British Empire. Ties with Great Britain were very close. French Canadians always felt themselves to be a society apart, like a separate nation within Canada. On important national issues the French Canadians often voted against policies that English Canadians favoured. Somehow the government and Prime Minister of the day have been able to find ways to reach agreement and keep the country together.

In the last 50 years there has been a great deal of immigration from many different countries, and from all major continents. The relationship to Great Britain is no longer as close as it once was for many Canadians. Yet the British influence is evident in Canada`s laws, legal and court system, politics, and general culture. People of all origins are proud of Canada`s history and the relationship with Great Britain which is one of the foundations of Canada.


Canada is the second largest country in the world. In most of Canada there are clear differences between the seasons. The summers can be very warm and humid in Eastern Canada. In Autumn, starting in September, the temperatures become cool. The leaves in the forest turn red, yellow and orange. By November most of these leaves are gone and the snow starts to fall. The Winter in Canada is cold and white. Winter can start in November and continue until March or April. In some areas in Northern Canada the winter is even longer and colder. On the Pacific Coast the weather is milder. There is very little snow in Vancouver for example.

Spring is short in much of Canada. Suddenly the days are longer. The warm sun melts the snow quite quickly. Soon the first flowers are out in a full range of colours. Children are so happy to be able to run and play outdoors after the long cold winter with its short dark days. Soon summer comes.


During the summer time Canadians love to go to the many blue lakes in the country. Canadians love to swim in the lakes, to go in boats, to water ski, to fish and do many other things in nature when the weather is warm and pleasant.

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Chapter II, Part 2

Canadians fought in both World Wars. When peace came at the end of the second world war, Canada was an important middle level military power. Many Canadians died in both world wars. English Canadians were especially willing to support Great Britain since they felt themselves part of a vast international community called the British Empire. Ties with Great Britain were very close. French Canadians always felt themselves to be a society apart, like a separate nation within Canada. On important national issues the French Canadians often voted against policies that English Canadians favoured. Somehow the government and Prime Minister of the day have been able to find ways to reach agreement and keep the country together.

In the last 50 years there has been a great deal of immigration from many different countries, and from all major continents. The relationship to Great Britain is no longer as close as it once was for many Canadians. Yet the British influence is evident in Canada`s laws, legal and court system, politics, and general culture. People of all origins are proud of Canada`s history and the relationship with Great Britain which is one of the foundations of Canada.


Canada is the second largest country in the world. In most of Canada there are clear differences between the seasons. The summers can be very warm and humid in Eastern Canada. In Autumn, starting in September, the temperatures become cool. The leaves in the forest turn red, yellow and orange. By November most of these leaves are gone and the snow starts to fall. The Winter in Canada is cold and white. Winter can start in November and continue until March or April. In some areas in Northern Canada the winter is even longer and colder. On the Pacific Coast the weather is milder. There is very little snow in Vancouver for example.

Spring is short in much of Canada. Suddenly the days are longer. The warm sun melts the snow quite quickly. Soon the first flowers are out in a full range of colours. Children are so happy to be able to run and play outdoors after the long cold winter with its short dark days. Soon summer comes.


During the summer time Canadians love to go to the many blue lakes in the country. Canadians love to swim in the lakes, to go in boats, to water ski, to fish and do many other things in nature when the weather is warm and pleasant.