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Jill and Kate Chat about Shopping, Part 2

Jill: But you're right, I agree that, I think, sort of the more generic stores, the bigger stores, are great when you sort of have something in mind when, you know, you know your style, you know your taste, you know that they generally carry fairly basic, simple stuff that you like, and you can go there and find jeans, find a casual shirt, and that's not a problem. But I think if you're kind of looking for something maybe a little bit more special, or for a certain occasion, or you don't really even know what you want, you just kind of want something, you need to shop somewhere that's going to be a little bit more personal, where, you know, somebody's going to help you and they know what they're doing. They're not just, you know, getting you a size when you ask for another size, but they can actually suggest colors that would look good on you, and fits that would look good on you, and styles that would look good on you. Often, I mean-it's not fair to say that you never get help at those bigger stores, because you can, and some of the people that work at them can be quite good. But in general, I think definitely you're going to get more quality help at the smaller stores and the more boutique-y type shops. You'll probably pay more for your clothes, though, so if you can hit a good sale, that's good. But probably, stuff-the clothing tends to be fairly high quality at stores like that as well, so although you're paying a little bit more, in the long run it's probably worth it. You're probably getting outfits that will last you for a lot of years, as opposed to just one or two seasons. Kate: Well, that's it. If you buy a red T-shirt, you wear it, you wear it to death. You wear it for one summer, or two summers, and then maybe that's the end of it. Then it goes in your rag bag. But if you go to another store and you pay, you know, three times as much for a silk T-shirt or something, well, then you expect to wear it for longer, and you probably will wear it for longer. So it's all in the application, but The Gap and places like that-great for filling in holes. You just need another color T-shirt, you just need another sweatshirt, you know, something like that. But the after-Christmas sales-we went downtown, my husband and I, and we went to a men's store and found him some after-Christmas clothes. Men's clothes are very expensive, when you go to the nice stores, but they're also very nice. Yeah, and the fit is quite different, to see Gap jeans and then the designer pants. It is quite different. And shoe sales are good. This is the time of year to buy the winter shoes. That's a good thing. I can always hit a shoe sale.

Jill: You're right, I've noticed all the shoe stores, people are already-well, not just shoe stores, but all stores in general-are starting to get spring and summer stuff in already, and so they are clearing out boots and loafers and whatever is not spring-and-summery. So it is a good time to shop. I've noticed that there is really good deals on shoes, for sure. The only problem is there's not a lot of sizes left, often, because, you know, they have one or two left that they're trying to get rid of. But if you happen to fit into the sizes that are left, good on you! Scoop it up, yeah.

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Jill: But you're right, I agree that, I think, sort of the more generic stores, the bigger stores, are great when you sort of have something in mind when, you know, you know your style, you know your taste, you know that they generally carry fairly basic, simple stuff that you like, and you can go there and find jeans, find a casual shirt, and that's not a problem. But I think if you're kind of looking for something maybe a little bit more special, or for a certain occasion, or you don't really even know what you want, you just kind of want something, you need to shop somewhere that's going to be a little bit more personal, where, you know, somebody's going to help you and they know what they're doing. They're not just, you know, getting you a size when you ask for another size, but they can actually suggest colors that would look good on you, and fits that would look good on you, and styles that would look good on you. Often, I mean-it's not fair to say that you never get help at those bigger stores, because you can, and some of the people that work at them can be quite good. But in general, I think definitely you're going to get more quality help at the smaller stores and the more boutique-y type shops. You'll probably pay more for your clothes, though, so if you can hit a good sale, that's good. But probably, stuff-the clothing tends to be fairly high quality at stores like that as well, so although you're paying a little bit more, in the long run it's probably worth it. You're probably getting outfits that will last you for a lot of years, as opposed to just one or two seasons.

Kate: Well, that's it. If you buy a red T-shirt, you wear it, you wear it to death. You wear it for one summer, or two summers, and then maybe that's the end of it. Then it goes in your rag bag. But if you go to another store and you pay, you know, three times as much for a silk T-shirt or something, well, then you expect to wear it for longer, and you probably will wear it for longer. So it's all in the application, but The Gap and places like that-great for filling in holes. You just need another color T-shirt, you just need another sweatshirt, you know, something like that. But the after-Christmas sales-we went downtown, my husband and I, and we went to a men's store and found him some after-Christmas clothes. Men's clothes are very expensive, when you go to the nice stores, but they're also very nice. Yeah, and the fit is quite different, to see Gap jeans and then the designer pants. It is quite different. And shoe sales are good. This is the time of year to buy the winter shoes. That's a good thing. I can always hit a shoe sale.

Jill: You're right, I've noticed all the shoe stores, people are already-well, not just shoe stores, but all stores in general-are starting to get spring and summer stuff in already, and so they are clearing out boots and loafers and whatever is not spring-and-summery. So it is a good time to shop. I've noticed that there is really good deals on shoes, for sure. The only problem is there's not a lot of sizes left, often, because, you know, they have one or two left that they're trying to get rid of. But if you happen to fit into the sizes that are left, good on you! Scoop it up, yeah.