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VOA Word Book, C-1

cabinet [a group of ministers that helps lead a government] The President meets every week with his cabinet.

call [(1) to give a name to ; (2) to ask for or request] I call myself John. (1) They called for an end to the fighting. (2) calm [(1) quiet; (2) peaceful; (3) opposite of tense] The calm crowd waited for the president to speak. (1) The city was calm after two days of rioting. (2) Can you remain calm in a tense situation? (3) camera [a device for taking pictures] Your camera takes very good pictures. camp [a place with temporary housing] The refugee camp provides temporary shelter, food and medical care.

campaign [(1) a competition by opposing political candidates seeking support from voters; (2) a connected series of military actions during a war] Presidential campaigns are much too long and cost too much. (1) The Allied campaigns won the war in Europe and Asia. (2) can [(1) to be able to; (2) to have the right to; (3) a container used to hold liquid or food, usually made of metal] The two sides can meet on Tuesday. (1) I can live anywhere I wish in this country because that is my right. (2) I bought three cans of vegetables at the food store. (3) cancel [(1) to end; (2) to stop] Who cancelled the agreement? (1) Mary cancelled her plans to have a party next week. (2) cancer [a disease in which dangerous cells grow quickly and destroy parts of the body] Scientists continue to find better ways to treat many kinds of cancer. candidate [a person who seeks or is nominated for an office or an honor] Each political party has nominated a candidate for president.

capital [(1) the official center of a government; (2) the city where a country's government is] The capital of the government is in Washington. (1) Washington is the capital of the United States. (2) capitalism [an economic system in which the production of most goods and services is owned and operated for profit by private citizens or companies] In the United States, capitalism has produced the world's strongest economy. capture [(1) to make a person or animal a prisoner; (2) to seize or take by force; (3) to get control of] Police captured the terrorist before he could explode the bomb. (1) Rebel forces captured the city. (2) Democrats won the election and captured control of Congress. (3) car [(1) a vehicle with wheels used to carry people; (2) an automobile; (3) a part of a train] Electric street cars were replaced with buses many years ago. (1) Fred's and Martha's new car will carry six people. (2) That train has 57 flat cars and 12 box cars. (3) care [(1) to like; (2) to protect; (3) to feel worry or interest] Jim told Laura that he cared for her and would like to see her again. (1) His mother told him to take care of his younger brother. (2) Would you care if I borrowed your car? (3) careful [(1) acting safely; (2) with much thought] Please be careful when you drive. (1) He was careful to choose exactly the right words. (2) carry [to take something or someone from one place to another] Would you carry this bag for me, please? case (court) [a legal action] The judge will call your case next.

case (medical) [an incident of disease] There was only one case of chicken pox at the school.

cat [a small animal that often lives with humans] My cat climbed that tree and is afraid to come down.

catch [(1) to seize after a chase; (2) to stop and seize with the hands] He runs so fast that no one can catch him. (1) Catch the ball and throw it back to me. (2) cause [(1) to make happen; (2) the thing or person that produces a result] Too much rain caused the flood. (1) The cause of the flood was too much rain. (2) ceasefire [a halt in fighting, usually by agreement] The ceasefire stopped the fighting. celebrate [to honor a person or event with special activities] I think we should have a party to celebrate your birthday.

center [(1) the middle of something; (2) the place in the middle; (3) a place that is the main point of an activity] There was a hole in the center of the target. (1) The chair sat at the center of the room. (2) The experts checked the nuclear center for radiation leaks. (3) century [one hundred years] This is the first year of the 21st century. ceremony [an act or series of acts done in a special way established by tradition] The new president took the oath of office at the inaugural ceremony in front of the capitol.

chairman [a person leading a meeting or an organized group] The party chairman led the meeting.

champion [(1) the best; (2) the winner] John is a champion swimmer. (1) The New York Yankees were the champions of professional baseball in the first year of the new century. (2) chance [a possibility of winning or losing or that something will happen] We have a good chance of getting home before dark. change [(1) to make different; (2) to become different] Will you change your decision? (1) His voice changed last year. (2) charge [(1) to accuse someone of something, usually a crime; (2) a statement in which someone is accused of something] She was charged with stealing a car. (1) The charge was false. (2) chase [to run or go after someone or something] The dog chased the cat around the house. cheat [(1) to get by a trick; (2) to steal from] He cheated on the history examination. (1) The dishonest lawyer became rich by cheating the people that he represented. (2) cheer [to shout approval or praise] The crowd cheered every time their team scored. chemicals [(1) elements found in nature or made by people; (2) substances used in the science of chemistry] Oxygen and hydrogen are the chemicals that form water. (1) Do you read the list of chemicals listed in the foods you eat? (2) chemistry [the scientific study of substances, what they are made of, how they act under different conditions, and how they form other substances] How many years did you study chemistry? chief [(1) the head or leader of a group; (2) leading; (3) most important] Mr. Thompson is the new chief of our tax office. (1) The chief cause of lung cancer is smoking. (2) The chief reason he got the job was his experience with tax issues. (3) child [(1) a baby; (2) a boy or girl] The child was born with the disease. (1) Every child, boy or girl, should have an equal chance to succeed. (2) children [more than one child] Sixty children were chosen to go to a camp in the mountains. choose [to decide between two or more] You may choose one meat and three vegetables from the lunch list.

circle [a closed shape that has all its points equally distant from the center, like an "O"] The settlers put their wagons in a circle to defend against the attack. citizen [a person who is a member of a country by birth or by law] Every citizen is expected to vote.

city [any important large town] I lived in a small town as a child, but now I live in a city.

civilian [not military] Many civilians were killed in the attack on the town.

civil rights [the political, economic and social rights given equally to all people of a nation] The law protects the civil rights of all citizens.

claim [to say something as a fact] He claimed that his opponent lied about his activities as a student leader.

clash [(1) a battle; (2) to fight or oppose] Ten protesters were injured in the clash with police. (1) Angry farmers blocked roads and clashed with soldiers. (2) clean [(1) to make pure; (2) free from dirt or harmful substances] Please clean your room. (1) Too many people around the world do not have clean water to drink. (2) clear [(1) easy to see or see through; (2) easily understood] Clear water is not always safe to drink. (1) He won the debate because his arguments were clear to almost everyone. (2) clergy [a body of officials within a religious organization] Many in the clergy supported the reforms proposed by the rebels. climate [the normal weather conditions of a place] Many retired people like to spend the winter in the warm climate of Florida.

climb [to go up or down something by using the feet and sometimes the hands] The firemen climbed ladders to rescue people living above the ground floor.

clock [a device that measures and shows time] I was late for work because my clock stopped.

close [(1) to make something not open; (2) near to] Please close the window before you come to bed. (1) Stay close to me in this big crowd. (2) cloth [a material made from plants, chemicals, animal hair and other substances] I feel cooler in summer when I wear shirts made of cotton cloth. clothes [what people wear] Be sure to bring enough clothes for two weeks.

cloud [a mass of fog high in the sky] Clouds like those usually mean rain will come soon.

coal [a solid black substance used as fuel] Much of our electricity is produced by plants that burn coal as fuel.

coalition [forces, groups or nations joined together] The country is led by a coalition government of three parties.

coast [land on the edge of the ocean] The storm caused high waves and flooding along much of the Atlantic coast.

coffee [a drink made from the plant of the same name] People in Seattle drink lots of coffee.

cold [(1) not warm; (2) having or feeling great coolness or a low temperature] The water is too cold for swimming. (1) This has been a cold winter, with much ice and snow. (2) collect [(1) to bring or gather together in one place; (2) to demand and receive] The driver collected the children after school and brought them home. (1) Your employer collects taxes for the government every time you are paid. (2) college [a small university] Have you decided where you will attend college? colony [land controlled by another country or government] Hong Kong is no longer a British colony.

color [the different effects of light on the eye, making blue, red, brown, black, yellow and others] I love the bright colors of the autumn leaves.

combine [to mix or bring together] The new organization combines radio and television broadcasting.

come [(1) to move toward; (2) to arrive] Jan is coming home for the holidays. (1) The two sides came together on a settlement after long and detailed negotiations. (2) command [(1) to order; (2) to have power over something] The general commanded the army to move against the enemy. (1) The President commands all the military forces. (2) comment [(1) to say something about; (2) to express an opinion about something] Mr. President, please comment about the increased number of terrorist attacks. (1) He commented about the writers who criticized his new book. (2) committee [a group of people given special work] The committee met three times to decide who should get the special award. common [(1) usual; (2) same for all] He liked to call himself a common man. (1) The allies united for a common purpose: to win the war. (2) communicate [(1) to tell; (2) to give or exchange information] The chairman communicated that he was not happy with the proposed agreement. (1) Because we communicate well, we understand each other's situation. (2) community [a group of people living together in one place or area] Our community includes people from many other countries. company [a business organized for trade, industrial or other purposes] My friend started an Internet company to repair and sell old musical instruments.

compare [to examine what is different or similar] We urge you to compare the price and quality of our products with those of our competitors.

compete [to try to do as well as, or better than, another or others] The Internet lets companies compete almost anywhere in the world.

complete [(1) having all parts; (2) ended or finished] I have a complete set of recordings by the Beatles. (1) We completed all the work yesterday. (2) complex [(1) of or having many parts that are difficult to understand; (2) not simple] The trade agreement is the result of some very complex negotiations. (1) It may seem simple, but it is really complex. (2)

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[a group of ministers that helps lead a government]
The President meets every week with his cabinet.

[(1) to give a name to ; (2) to ask for or request]
I call myself John. (1)
They called for an end to the fighting. (2)

[(1) quiet; (2) peaceful; (3) opposite of tense]
The calm crowd waited for the president to speak. (1)
The city was calm after two days of rioting. (2)
Can you remain calm in a tense situation? (3)

[a device for taking pictures]
Your camera takes very good pictures.

[a place with temporary housing]
The refugee camp provides temporary shelter, food and medical care.

[(1) a competition by opposing political candidates seeking support from voters; (2) a connected series of military actions during a war]
Presidential campaigns are much too long and cost too much. (1)
The Allied campaigns won the war in Europe and Asia. (2)

[(1) to be able to; (2) to have the right to; (3) a container used to hold liquid or food, usually made of metal]
The two sides can meet on Tuesday. (1)
I can live anywhere I wish in this country because that is my right. (2)
I bought three cans of vegetables at the food store. (3)

[(1) to end; (2) to stop]
Who cancelled the agreement? (1)
Mary cancelled her plans to have a party next week. (2)

[a disease in which dangerous cells grow quickly and destroy parts of the body]
Scientists continue to find better ways to treat many kinds of cancer.

[a person who seeks or is nominated for an office or an honor]
Each political party has nominated a candidate for president.

[(1) the official center of a government; (2) the city where a country's government is]
The capital of the government is in Washington. (1)
Washington is the capital of the United States. (2)

[an economic system in which the production of most goods and services is owned and operated for profit by private citizens or companies]
In the United States, capitalism has produced the world's strongest economy.

[(1) to make a person or animal a prisoner; (2) to seize or take by force; (3) to get control of]
Police captured the terrorist before he could explode the bomb. (1)
Rebel forces captured the city. (2)
Democrats won the election and captured control of Congress. (3)

[(1) a vehicle with wheels used to carry people; (2) an automobile; (3) a part of a train]
Electric street cars were replaced with buses many years ago. (1)   
Fred's and Martha's new car will carry six people. (2)
That train has 57 flat cars and 12 box cars. (3)

[(1) to like; (2) to protect; (3) to feel worry or interest]
Jim told Laura that he cared for her and would like to see her again. (1)
His mother told him to take care of his younger brother. (2)
Would you care if I borrowed your car? (3)

[(1) acting safely; (2) with much thought]
Please be careful when you drive. (1)
He was careful to choose exactly the right words. (2)

[to take something or someone from one place to another]
Would you carry this bag for me, please?

case (court)
[a legal action]
The judge will call your case next.

case (medical)
[an incident of disease]
There was only one case of chicken pox at the school.

[a small animal that often lives with humans]
My cat climbed that tree and is afraid to come down.

[(1) to seize after a chase; (2) to stop and seize with the hands]
He runs so fast that no one can catch him. (1)
Catch the ball and throw it back to me. (2)

[(1) to make happen; (2) the thing or person that produces a result]
Too much rain caused the flood. (1)
The cause of the flood was too much rain. (2)

[a halt in fighting, usually by agreement]
The ceasefire stopped the fighting.

[to honor a person or event with special activities]
I think we should have a party to celebrate your birthday.

[(1) the middle of something; (2) the place in the middle; (3) a place that is the main point of an activity]
There was a hole in the center of the target. (1)
The chair sat at the center of the room. (2)
The experts checked the nuclear center for radiation leaks. (3)

[one hundred years]
This is the first year of the 21st century.

[an act or series of acts done in a special way established by tradition]
The new president took the oath of office at the inaugural ceremony in front of the capitol.

[a person leading a meeting or an organized group]
The party chairman led the meeting.

[(1) the best; (2) the winner]
John is a champion swimmer. (1)
The New York Yankees were the champions of professional baseball in the first year of the new century. (2)

[a possibility of winning or losing or that something will happen]
We have a good chance of getting home before dark.

[(1) to make different; (2) to become different]
Will you change your decision? (1)
His voice changed last year. (2)

[(1) to accuse someone of something, usually a crime; (2) a statement in which someone is accused of something]
She was charged with stealing a car. (1) 
The charge was false. (2)

[to run or go after someone or something]
The dog chased the cat around the house.

[(1) to get by a trick; (2) to steal from]
He cheated on the history examination. (1)
The dishonest lawyer became rich by cheating the people that he represented. (2)

[to shout approval or praise]
The crowd cheered every time their team scored.

[(1) elements found in nature or made by people; (2) substances used in the science of chemistry]
Oxygen and hydrogen are the chemicals that form water. (1)
Do you read the list of chemicals listed in the foods you eat? (2)

[the scientific study of substances, what they are made of, how they act under different conditions, and how they form other substances]
How many years did you study chemistry?

[(1) the head or leader of a group; (2) leading; (3) most important]
Mr. Thompson is the new chief of our tax office. (1)
The chief cause of lung cancer is smoking. (2)
The chief reason he got the job was his experience with tax issues. (3)

[(1) a baby; (2) a boy or girl]
The child was born with the disease. (1)
Every child, boy or girl, should have an equal chance to succeed. (2)

[more than one child]
Sixty children were chosen to go to a camp in the mountains.

[to decide between two or more]
You may choose one meat and three vegetables from the lunch list.

[a closed shape that has all its points equally distant from the center, like an "O"]
The settlers put their wagons in a circle to defend against the attack.

[a person who is a member of a country by birth or by law]
Every citizen is expected to vote.

[any important large town]
I lived in a small town as a child, but now I live in a city.

[not military]
Many civilians were killed in the attack on the town.

civil rights
[the political, economic and social rights given equally to all people of a nation]
The law protects the civil rights of all citizens.

[to say something as a fact]
He claimed that his opponent lied about his activities as a student leader.

[(1) a battle; (2) to fight or oppose]
Ten protesters were injured in the clash with police. (1)
Angry farmers blocked roads and clashed with soldiers. (2)

[(1) to make pure; (2) free from dirt or harmful substances] 
Please clean your room. (1)
Too many people around the world do not have clean water to drink. (2)

[(1) easy to see or see through; (2) easily understood]
Clear water is not always safe to drink. (1)
He won the debate because his arguments were clear to almost everyone. (2)

[a body of officials within a religious organization]
Many in the clergy supported the reforms proposed by the rebels.

[the normal weather conditions of a place]
Many retired people like to spend the winter in the warm climate of Florida.

[to go up or down something by using the feet and sometimes the hands]
The firemen climbed ladders to rescue people living above the ground floor.

[a device that measures and shows time]
I was late for work because my clock stopped.

[(1) to make something not open; (2) near to]
Please close the window before you come to bed. (1)
Stay close to me in this big crowd. (2)

[a material made from plants, chemicals, animal hair and other substances]
I feel cooler in summer when I wear shirts made of cotton cloth.

[what people wear]
Be sure to bring enough clothes for two weeks.

[a mass of fog high in the sky]
Clouds like those usually mean rain will come soon.

[a solid black substance used as fuel]
Much of our electricity is produced by plants that burn coal as fuel.

[forces, groups or nations joined together]
The country is led by a coalition government of three parties.

[land on the edge of the ocean]
The storm caused high waves and flooding along much of the Atlantic coast.

[a drink made from the plant of the same name]
People in Seattle drink lots of coffee.

[(1) not warm; (2) having or feeling great coolness or a low temperature]
The water is too cold for swimming. (1)
This has been a cold winter, with much ice and snow. (2)

[(1) to bring or gather together in one place; (2) to demand and receive]
The driver collected the children after school and brought them home. (1)
Your employer collects taxes for the government every time you are paid. (2)

[a small university]
Have you decided where you will attend college?

[land controlled by another country or government]
Hong Kong is no longer a British colony.

[the different effects of light on the eye, making blue, red, brown, black, yellow and others]
I love the bright colors of the autumn leaves.

[to mix or bring together]
The new organization combines radio and television broadcasting.

[(1) to move toward; (2) to arrive]
Jan is coming home for the holidays. (1)
The two sides came together on a settlement after long and detailed negotiations. (2)

[(1) to order; (2) to have power over something]
The general commanded the army to move against the enemy. (1)
The President commands all the military forces. (2)

[(1) to say something about; (2) to express an opinion about something]
Mr. President, please comment about the increased number of terrorist attacks. (1)
He commented about the writers who criticized his new book. (2)

[a group of people given special work]
The committee met three times to decide who should get the special award.

[(1) usual; (2) same for all]
He liked to call himself a common man. (1)
The allies united for a common purpose: to win the war. (2)

[(1) to tell; (2) to give or exchange information]
The chairman communicated that he was not happy with the proposed agreement. (1)
Because we communicate well, we understand each other's situation. (2)

[a group of people living together in one place or area]
Our community includes people from many other countries.

[a business organized for trade, industrial or other purposes]
My friend started an Internet company to repair and sell old musical instruments.

[to examine what is different or similar]
We urge you to compare the price and quality of our products with those of our competitors.

[to try to do as well as, or better than, another or others]
The Internet lets companies compete almost anywhere in the world.

[(1) having all parts; (2) ended or finished]
I have a complete set of recordings by the Beatles. (1)
We completed all the work yesterday. (2)

[(1) of or having many parts that are difficult to understand; (2) not simple] 
The trade agreement is the result of some very complex negotiations. (1)
It may seem simple, but it is really complex. (2)