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British English writing improvisations, Having a daily routine versus studying whenever you have free time

Having a daily routine versus studying whenever you have free time

Having a daily routine has always been important to me and I think that for me it's a necessity, I have always liked sticking to a daily routine and doing a slight variation of the same thing everyday. For example: 7-7 30am Read Harry Potter in Spanish 7 30 – 8am Read current German book 4 – 4 15pm Write in German 4 15 – 4 30pm Write in Spanish 4 30 – 5pm Listen to Spanish podcasts on LingQ 5 – 5 30pm Review Flashcards 5 30 – 7pm Create podcasts in English, eat and rest. 7pm – 7 30 pm Speak with natives in one of my languages 7 30 – 9pm rest whilst listening to a language 9pm – 9 30pm Read Harry Potter in Spanish This is a very general routine and could be written in more detail, but purely because of the length of this article I have written a more general routine. A lot of people like to have a routine because it allows them to know exactly what they should be doing when and it means that they know that they are going to improve at a constant rate. Having a daily routine usually requires a lot of commitment and you have to have a passion for what you are doing if you wish to stick to it. Often people start a daily routine, but quickly stop as it can become boring if you are doing the same thing every day. I like having a daily routine; however I don't like doing the exact same thing every day. I really enjoy working around a basic model and altering it in order to have a little more fun. I believe that if we stick to the same thing every day then we get bored very easily and we may loose interest or may stop doing something that we have a talent for.

On the other hand some people like to study whenever they have the time and that is ok. Some people have unpredictable life styles which lead them to never knowing when they will be free. Some people work shifts or they may spend a lot of their time on another hobby. In this case they only study when they have time. In my opinion it's a little like cramming and I don't like using it. The limbo between the two is having a set amount of time a day free, but only studying when you want in that set time limit. For example you may have 5 – 7 pm free every day and during that time you may do some studying, you have a slight routine because you know that you're going to do some studying within the two hours, but you have no set activities planned.

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Having a daily routine versus studying whenever you have free time Having a daily routine versus studying whenever you have free time

Having a daily routine has always been important to me and I think that for me it's a necessity, I have always liked sticking to a daily routine and doing a slight variation of the same thing everyday. For example: 7-7 30am Read Harry Potter in Spanish 7 30 – 8am Read current German book 4 – 4 15pm Write in German 4 15 – 4 30pm Write in Spanish 4 30 – 5pm Listen to Spanish podcasts on LingQ 5 – 5 30pm Review Flashcards 5 30 – 7pm Create podcasts in English, eat and rest. 7pm – 7 30 pm Speak with natives in one of my languages 7 30 – 9pm  rest whilst listening to a language 9pm – 9 30pm Read Harry Potter in Spanish This is a very general routine and could be written in more detail, but purely because of the length of this article I have written a more general routine. A lot of people like to have a routine because it allows them to know exactly what they should be doing when and it means that they know that they are going to improve at a constant rate. Having a daily routine usually requires a lot of commitment and you have to have a passion for what you are doing if you wish to stick to it. Often people start a daily routine, but quickly stop as it can become boring if you are doing the same thing every day. I like having a daily routine; however I don't like doing the exact same thing every day. I really enjoy working around a basic model and altering it in order to have a little more fun. I believe that if we stick to the same thing every day then we get bored very easily and we may loose interest or may stop doing something that we have a talent for.

On the other hand some people like to study whenever they have the time and that is ok. Some people have unpredictable life styles which lead them to never knowing when they will be free. Some people work shifts or they may spend a lot of their time on another hobby. In this case they only study when they have time. In my opinion it's a little like cramming and I don't like using it. The limbo between the two is having a set amount of time a day free, but only studying when you want in that set time limit. For example you may have 5 – 7 pm free every day and during that time you may do some studying, you have a slight routine because you know that you're going to do some studying within the two hours, but you have no set activities planned.