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The BMac & Ball Show I, Vancouver Sports Radio 1040

The BMac & Ball Show I, Vancouver Sports Radio 1040

Announcer: You're on the Team Ten Forty sports radio. And this is B Mac and Ball. Stand up and sound off. The numbers to call are two eight oh team or star team on your cell. Now here's Barry McDonald and Rick Ball. Hey, thanks for joining us on this Wednesday morning esquire time on the Team Ten Forty is four minutes after eight - after six. Can't wait to get out of here. Reload. As Jim Robbins would say, there goes the perfect broadcast- Ten seconds into the show. A mix of sun and cloud today. Forty percent chance of showers. A high of thirteen. Tomorrow increasing cloudiness with showers beginning in the evening. It's going to be windy near the water late in the day with a high of fourteen. All right, there you go.

Esquire time now eight oh five.

Windy last night out at the palatial Ball estates.

Is it palatial?

Well, it's a house. I'll bet it's palatial. Cable went out, big hot shot, what do you call, play by play guy there? Got to be palatial.

Cable went out, bottom of the tenth inning so I didn't get to see the rest of the baseball game. Good at my house, buddy.


What a finish. Hadn't had an RBI in eight weeks, pinch hit homerun to win the game. Hasn't had any sleep since May when his wife gave birth to triplets. Might explain the lack of RBIs. He didn't think it was out when he hit it. He knew he hit it well - he just didn't - 'cause it was just a line drive. He just hit it hard enough and it wasn't out by a lot, but no pictures in the score book. Gotta get the - hey Paulie sorry to get ahead - we've got to find the call of the White Sox guys and then compare it to the call of the Astros guys. There was a considerable difference.

There was a considerable difference.

I mean you dig up those play by play calls. But yeah, seven five the White Sox beat the Astros in fourteen innings. Roy Orswald on the hill surrendered a four nothing lead giving up five earned runs in the fifth inning. Who would have thunk it?

No, you're exactly right. We've talked about yesterday the fact that here in game three Astros, you have to think are in a very comfortable position being back at home where they've been very tough to beat, fifty-three and twenty-eight during the regular season and throwing Orswald although they had been three and oh in the post season and he manages to give up five runs in the top of the fifth. Goodbye lead. And it took until the eight for Houston to tie it up. But the stat that really tells the story is the one that shows Houston with one hit after the fourth inning.


And it was Jason Lane's base hit in the bottom of the eight that tied the game and forced all of those extra innings. But the inability to clutch up was awful for Phil Gardner who didn't - Phil Gardner's team - he didn't mince words after the game. He just said it was a terrible showing by us at the plate. And it was. Morgan Hensburg who made a real nice defensive play leading off the fourteenth that resulted in a double play right before Blume's homerun had been horrible at the plate. He just looks completely over matched. This is your clean up hitter. This is a guy you have to count on and - to be- and it's not like he's hitting line drives at people or having really bad luck hitting the ball on the nose. He just looks completely over matched and completely lost at the plate. And this from a guy who had - what, I think thirty-five homers during the regular season.

Oh, the Astros looked lost completely as a team. And it doesn't get easier tonight when the White Sox can finish off with a sweep. 'Cause you've got Garcia against Backe, you're pitching match up. Yeah, Backe - and Backe's sort of under rated on that stat because of the status that the other three have. Uh, Freddie Garcia has been pretty nasty and he is a guy - actually was Houston property and was traded to Seattle in the Randy Johnson deal back in - I think it was '99 or whenever. Carlos Gehin went over in that deal as well. So, Freddie Garcia's got a chance to win the World Series finale against the team that he originally broke in with, so- It's too bad that - it looks like it'll be a sweep - I mean that I think we saw the Red Sox become the first team ever to overcome a three nothing deficit last year in the ALCS but, you know, this series looks like it's over and done. Um, and it's too bad because there was reason I think to be interested in this series that people did not latch onto because it wasn't a marquee match up- Ratings are very low. Ratings are low, but the White Sox hadn't won since 1917. The Astros had never been there. And I think had it been a compelling series that went six or seven games - people might of - the momentum would have built - now this one will be long forgotten barely after it's over. Yeah, you know what - I'm not - I don't share your suggestion that it could well be over tonight - it could. Sure it could. You have to like Chicago's chances. They've played very well. They've lost one game in the post season. They've really had it going since the final week of the regular season, Rick. But all it takes for Houston to get back into this thing is one win. I know it's a clichA©, but if you do that and Clemens is healthy enough to pitch game 5, then you've got Pettit and Orswald ready to go as well. Uh, it's like Boston last year, when they won that second game against the Yankees. They still had Pedro and Shilling to come out and flip in game six and game seven. So, Chicago knows that any chance they get to go for the jugular, they better take it.

Vancouver Canucks, By the way, we've got game 4 of the series right here on the team ten forty tonight starting at five twenty. Canucks win three one in Minnesota. Ruutu, Hendrik, and Naslund the goal scorers for the Canucks who dominated this hockey game have now won six in a row. They're eight one and one, that equals the best ever ten game start for the Vancouver Canucks franchise, and very deserving of that win. They were the better team by far on the night. Todd Bertuzzi was, perhaps as good as he's looked all season long, and as frustrating as he's been all season long. Did Mark Crawford tell Todd Bertuzzi he's not allowed to shoot the puck anymore? You talked about that last week, when his pension, for he had passed that.

He's always been - had a little bit of that in his game. He likes the pretty stuff and he tries it once in a while, but when you're right in front of the net, in prime scoring position, I don't think you're looking to make a pass. And he tried to pass to Markus who was covered.

Bertuzzi - it wasn't prime scoring position, he was alone Well I know, I know. It was one on goalie.

And he passed the puck. And earlier in the game - in fact on his first shift, he had a great chance for the slot and elected to pass as well. After the one in the second period where he was one on goalie and didn't shoot, they showed a shot at him sitting on the bench looking up at the scoreboard and then mouthing the words what was I thinking? With a couple of expletives in there.

I wasn't. He did finish up with three shots. Those came in the third period. I believe. So - Yeah, two in the third, one in the second. Yeah.

Anyway, having said that - it's nice that there's an unselfish component to his game - That's as good as he's looked all year. Yeah, you're right - He was creating chances, skated miles, he looked really good. not shooting the puck.

We're one eighth into the season and it looks like he's probably starting to round into shape. Now, considering - keeping one eighth into the season it might as well be, Mac, is it safe to say - and I know they've had good starts before, but the Sedins have finally arrived? You know they look really good.

You know that fine, fine daily. It's a free daily called twenty-four hours? Yeah.

Heck of an article in there, I believe it's going to be in tomorrow's edition and its all about the Sedins Big Daddy's got another gig? It's not Big Daddy, let me tell ya. Big Mac, you're sure you've got time to do this stuff? Is this your debut?

No, it's number two. Number two? Oh, come on, what happened to the first article?

You never saw it?

I never saw it.

I can get you copies.

All right.

Uh, copies. Uh, I-I agreewith you and the sort of the premise of the article I wrote was the fact that these guys have endured an awful lot here. They've been called the sisters, they've been called the bobsy twins, they've been called other things that aren't terribly complimentary either. But, you know what, they've endured it all. And you know, they might say, ah we don't read the papers, everything's fine. You know, that's pretty much what they'll give you, but I totally agree with you. They're - they are, and I think the rules help them to. That they do.



They don't have to battle through clutching and grabbing because I think before they simply weren't strong enough to do it. Or fast enough.

But, you know, they're cerebral, they're committed to both ends of the rink, and I agree with you totally. That was a beautiful goal they scored last night.

And the one the night before-the game before- Daniel won the redirect.


And Anson Carter looks good on the right side. And they actually look better on the power play then big line does.

You're right, they do. Puck on a string. They look really good right now. Interesting stat.

Go ahead.

Canucks are fifty games over five hundred when both Sedins show up on the score sheet.


Fifty over five hundred since they've arrived in Vancouver in 2000. And of course they were both on the sheet last night, so. Sorry, finish your thought.

No, no. I don't think I had one. Canucks- You're giving me a lot of credit there. Another power play goal last night, twelve in the last six games. By the way, goal scoring in the NHL up thirty-two percent over the same period of time last season.

And I think that's significant. I-there's so many statistics that are - emerge in sports. That one, I think reflects a better game. There's more opportunity, there's way more flow. BC Lions and Edmonton on Friday. How about this comment from Eskimo's receiver Ed Hervey (sp) talking about Casey Printers last year winning the outstanding player? "All he did was run around and throw the ball downfield on broken plays". Why do you make that comment now? And I know Casey doesn't need any extra motivation and the Lions don't. It's a big game on Friday, they know it. But why would you even fathom blurting that out with the big game against that team on Friday night at home?

What does it do for the Lions? Can they play with it? Post it? Talk about it?

I think Casey- I mean, yeah, he did make a lot of plays on broken plays last year. I think he looks way more poised this year, even though he's played much less than he did a year ago. But - Isn't making plays on broken plays furthering your cap? Exactly.

Isn't that a good thing? I would say so.

Wouldn't the possible knock on a quarterback be hey, when he gets great protection and gets time he-he can find a receiver? Right?

I-I'm with you. So when the play breaks down and he's forced to ad-lib and he does it very well? Yeah.

And he only passed for five thousand thirty-three yards, thirty-five touchdowns last year.

I think there's a compliment in there. Yeah, well, surely wasn't presented that way, I know. By the way, Dickinson (sp) says yesterday's practice is the best he's felt since the concussion happened. That's good news. Took some first team reps as well but, Casey will start on Friday. And of course we'll have the game for you right here on the team ten forty from Edmonton. Biggest game of the year so far. Friday night pre-game at five, kickoff at six.

All right, tonight's the night B Mac. Yes it is.

Forty million dollars up for grabs in the lotto six forty-nine.

Yeah, you betcha.

Canada's biggest jackpot ever. Got your ticket yet?


Do you? Oh yeah, do you have a - like a special set of numbers you play or do you do random quick pick?

I didn't. I've played family birth dates before. But I just went quick pick So, it's forty million. So-so you're buying your tickets now because it's forty million. If it was ten million, couldn't be bothered. Yeah, oh ten, then it got to be about twenty, nah thirty- You don't need thirty million dollars. There's just something about forty. Well, it just gives you a little bit more to play with.

That's a pretty good chunk of change. I don't understand- You know what I'm going to have tonight? What?

A chance.

At me?

Nothing. A zero chance.

Rick, it's one in fourteen million. Get in the game, man.

Like I said yesterday, you have as much chance of dying fifteen minutes after you buy your ticket as you do of actually winning the lottery- Here's a - And you're still breathing so - there you go. I don't smell a win. What's that song by Alanis Morissette? Ironic?


Lottery - did I say it right?

So here's Rick Ball's numbers for tonight folks. So don't pick 'em 'cause you'd have to share the prize money. That's right. Well, I'm not buying a ticket so don't worry about it. Here's his random selection, one, two, three, four, five, six. A lot of thought went into that. I said, now give me your second ones. So he started giving me seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve and we cut that one off. Three, six, seven, nineteen, forty-four and forty-nine. Rick Ball's ticket for tonight's six forty-nine jackpot. My daughter's three years old. I put the six and the forty-nine in there for six forty-nine, and then of course the big line seven, nineteen and forty-four. Bertuzzi, Naslund And the significance of the forty-nine? Oh six and six forty-nine.

And she's three. Okay, I've gotcha, I've gotcha. Now, if those numbers win, I'll be taking a leap off the Lion's Gate Bridge tomorrow. Now you laugh at my one, two, three, four, five, six.

Yeah, I do.

This illustrates to me as good as anything what the odds are of winning the lottery. The odds of one, two, three, four, five, six, are - coming out of that giant machine - are exactly the same as the odds of any other six numbers you might pick.

Well-well I'm rooting for you. I'm rooting for you. What's the first thing you'd buy if you win it. Oh, man. I'm buying a nice big house. See, listen to him.

I am.

He's sucked in now. He's going to - you're going to go buy a ticket. No I'm not, not a chance. I'm buying a great big house with an ocean view and a monster home theater room where I can sit and watch my hi-def television on my hundred inch projection screen in full dolby digital surround sound. Where Gracie - where, you can't hear Gracie - Daddy, me hungry. What are you buying?

I don't know. I'm pragmatic. I would put the money away for like, forty million. You put that away for a year and just spend the interest. You'd still put up more money then you could ever spend. I might buy the BC Lions if David Braley wants to sell them.

I-I'd- Then hire a new play by play guy, 'cause that guy sucks. I'd donate some money to charity. Help with the orphanage?

Hey, easy.

I'd pay for Pratt's visit to the Betty Ford Clinic. You must be Betty. I'm here on B Mac's dime. You know B Mac, won the big lottery? Alright let me in here. What's the number here? In case somebody wants to call me? People want to call me. They don't want to talk to Big Daddy. We're going to do the show live from here. Give me a guest, a reef, give me the bottle too. Where's the crown? I'm in the mode. It just sounds so much like him doesn't it? It's just spot on. All right, let's make the poll question this morning. Do you play the lottery? Are you buying a ticket tonight?


And what's the first thing you buy if you win? I like that.

All right, there you go.

I like that poll question.

You can weigh in on the website live or team ten forty dot co. We'll get some calls in later in the show as well. I like that poll question.

'Cause I-I just don't understand people that buy lottery tickets. I know.

There's a lot of things I don't understand about you. Have you ever bought a lottery ticket?

I haven't. You-you're serious? Never bought a lottery ticket. I've had them given to me- That's a crock of crap- I agree. Hook up the lie detector test. The polygraph, get it in here.

Now, I've had them given to me as gifts in cards and stuff like that. How about a scratch and win. Never bought a scratch and win?

Wow. That's good discipline. Will you come over and visit us in our new home?

Am I allowed?

B Mac and Ball at the team ten forty. Big show coming up. We've got Dan Scholman of ESPN has been working the World Series, he's in Texas. He'll join us at seven twenty this morning. We're offering a BC Lion for eight o'clock. We've got Daryl McGuire. Dan Scholman's at eight twenty, Daryl McGuire is at seven twenty. Right. Coming up next.

Talk line is eight o'clock. Canuck report at seven forty and next Ben Kuz The province in Minnesota after another Vancouver Canucks win. Three one over the Wild will hook up with Kuz on route to Colorado for the double dipping against the Av's. Next on the team ten forty. Esquire time is nineteen minutes after six.

Announcer: First with breaking NHL news. This is Vancouver's sports station. The Team Ten Forty.

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The BMac & Ball Show I, Vancouver Sports Radio 1040

Announcer: You're on the Team Ten Forty sports radio. And this is B Mac and Ball. Stand up and sound off. The numbers to call are two eight oh team or star team on your cell. Now here's Barry McDonald and Rick Ball. Hey, thanks for joining us on this Wednesday morning esquire time on the Team Ten Forty is four minutes after eight - after six. Can't wait to get out of here. Reload. As Jim Robbins would say, there goes the perfect broadcast- Ten seconds into the show. A mix of sun and cloud today. Forty percent chance of showers. A high of thirteen. Tomorrow increasing cloudiness with showers beginning in the evening. It's going to be windy near the water late in the day with a high of fourteen. All right, there you go.

Esquire time now eight oh five.

Windy last night out at the palatial Ball estates.

Is it palatial?

Well, it's a house. I'll bet it's palatial. Cable went out, big hot shot, what do you call, play by play guy there? Got to be palatial.

Cable went out, bottom of the tenth inning so I didn't get to see the rest of the baseball game. Good at my house, buddy.


What a finish. Hadn't had an RBI in eight weeks, pinch hit homerun to win the game. Hasn't had any sleep since May when his wife gave birth to triplets. Might explain the lack of RBIs. He didn't think it was out when he hit it. He knew he hit it well - he just didn't - 'cause it was just a line drive. He just hit it hard enough and it wasn't out by a lot, but no pictures in the score book. Gotta get the - hey Paulie sorry to get ahead - we've got to find the call of the White Sox guys and then compare it to the call of the Astros guys. There was a considerable difference.

There was a considerable difference.

I mean you dig up those play by play calls. But yeah, seven five the White Sox beat the Astros in fourteen innings. Roy Orswald on the hill surrendered a four nothing lead giving up five earned runs in the fifth inning. Who would have thunk it?

No, you're exactly right. We've talked about yesterday the fact that here in game three Astros, you have to think are in a very comfortable position being back at home where they've been very tough to beat, fifty-three and twenty-eight during the regular season and throwing Orswald although they had been three and oh in the post season and he manages to give up five runs in the top of the fifth. Goodbye lead. And it took until the eight for Houston to tie it up. But the stat that really tells the story is the one that shows Houston with one hit after the fourth inning.


And it was Jason Lane's base hit in the bottom of the eight that tied the game and forced all of those extra innings. But the inability to clutch up was awful for Phil Gardner who didn't - Phil Gardner's team - he didn't mince words after the game. He just said it was a terrible showing by us at the plate. And it was. Morgan Hensburg who made a real nice defensive play leading off the fourteenth that resulted in a double play right before Blume's homerun had been horrible at the plate. He just looks completely over matched. This is your clean up hitter. This is a guy you have to count on and - to be- and it's not like he's hitting line drives at people or having really bad luck hitting the ball on the nose. He just looks completely over matched and completely lost at the plate. And this from a guy who had - what, I think thirty-five homers during the regular season.

Oh, the Astros looked lost completely as a team. And it doesn't get easier tonight when the White Sox can finish off with a sweep. 'Cause you've got Garcia against Backe, you're pitching match up. Yeah, Backe - and Backe's sort of under rated on that stat because of the status that the other three have. Uh, Freddie Garcia has been pretty nasty and he is a guy - actually was Houston property and was traded to Seattle in the Randy Johnson deal back in - I think it was '99 or whenever. Carlos Gehin went over in that deal as well. So, Freddie Garcia's got a chance to win the World Series finale against the team that he originally broke in with, so- It's too bad that - it looks like it'll be a sweep - I mean that I think we saw the Red Sox become the first team ever to overcome a three nothing deficit last year in the ALCS but, you know, this series looks like it's over and done. Um, and it's too bad because there was reason I think to be interested in this series that people did not latch onto because it wasn't a marquee match up- Ratings are very low. Ratings are low, but the White Sox hadn't won since 1917. The Astros had never been there. And I think had it been a compelling series that went six or seven games - people might of - the momentum would have built - now this one will be long forgotten barely after it's over. Yeah, you know what - I'm not - I don't share your suggestion that it could well be over tonight - it could. Sure it could. You have to like Chicago's chances. They've played very well. They've lost one game in the post season. They've really had it going since the final week of the regular season, Rick. But all it takes for Houston to get back into this thing is one win. I know it's a clichA©, but if you do that and Clemens is healthy enough to pitch game 5, then you've got Pettit and Orswald ready to go as well. Uh, it's like Boston last year, when they won that second game against the Yankees. They still had Pedro and Shilling to come out and flip in game six and game seven. So, Chicago knows that any chance they get to go for the jugular, they better take it.

Vancouver Canucks, By the way, we've got game 4 of the series right here on the team ten forty tonight starting at five twenty. Canucks win three one in Minnesota. Ruutu, Hendrik, and Naslund the goal scorers for the Canucks who dominated this hockey game have now won six in a row. They're eight one and one, that equals the best ever ten game start for the Vancouver Canucks franchise, and very deserving of that win. They were the better team by far on the night. Todd Bertuzzi was, perhaps as good as he's looked all season long, and as frustrating as he's been all season long. Did Mark Crawford tell Todd Bertuzzi he's not allowed to shoot the puck anymore? You talked about that last week, when his pension, for he had passed that.

He's always been - had a little bit of that in his game. He likes the pretty stuff and he tries it once in a while, but when you're right in front of the net, in prime scoring position, I don't think you're looking to make a pass. And he tried to pass to Markus who was covered.

Bertuzzi - it wasn't prime scoring position, he was alone Well I know, I know. It was one on goalie.

And he passed the puck. And earlier in the game - in fact on his first shift, he had a great chance for the slot and elected to pass as well. After the one in the second period where he was one on goalie and didn't shoot, they showed a shot at him sitting on the bench looking up at the scoreboard and then mouthing the words what was I thinking? With a couple of expletives in there.

I wasn't. He did finish up with three shots. Those came in the third period. I believe. So - Yeah, two in the third, one in the second. Yeah.

Anyway, having said that - it's nice that there's an unselfish component to his game - That's as good as he's looked all year. Yeah, you're right - He was creating chances, skated miles, he looked really good. not shooting the puck.

We're one eighth into the season and it looks like he's probably starting to round into shape. Now, considering - keeping one eighth into the season it might as well be, Mac, is it safe to say - and I know they've had good starts before, but the Sedins have finally arrived? You know they look really good.

You know that fine, fine daily. It's a free daily called twenty-four hours? Yeah.

Heck of an article in there, I believe it's going to be in tomorrow's edition and its all about the Sedins Big Daddy's got another gig? It's not Big Daddy, let me tell ya. Big Mac, you're sure you've got time to do this stuff? Is this your debut?

No, it's number two. Number two? Oh, come on, what happened to the first article?

You never saw it?

I never saw it.

I can get you copies.

All right.

Uh, copies. Uh, I-I agreewith you and the sort of the premise of the article I wrote was the fact that these guys have endured an awful lot here. They've been called the sisters, they've been called the bobsy twins, they've been called other things that aren't terribly complimentary either. But, you know what, they've endured it all. And you know, they might say, ah we don't read the papers, everything's fine. You know, that's pretty much what they'll give you, but I totally agree with you. They're - they are, and I think the rules help them to. That they do.



They don't have to battle through clutching and grabbing because I think before they simply weren't strong enough to do it. Or fast enough.

But, you know, they're cerebral, they're committed to both ends of the rink, and I agree with you totally. That was a beautiful goal they scored last night.

And the one the night before-the game before- Daniel won the redirect.


And Anson Carter looks good on the right side. And they actually look better on the power play then big line does.

You're right, they do. Puck on a string. They look really good right now. Interesting stat.

Go ahead.

Canucks are fifty games over five hundred when both Sedins show up on the score sheet.


Fifty over five hundred since they've arrived in Vancouver in 2000. And of course they were both on the sheet last night, so. Sorry, finish your thought.

No, no. I don't think I had one. Canucks- You're giving me a lot of credit there. Another power play goal last night, twelve in the last six games. By the way, goal scoring in the NHL up thirty-two percent over the same period of time last season.

And I think that's significant. I-there's so many statistics that are - emerge in sports. That one, I think reflects a better game. There's more opportunity, there's way more flow. BC Lions and Edmonton on Friday. How about this comment from Eskimo's receiver Ed Hervey (sp) talking about Casey Printers last year winning the outstanding player? "All he did was run around and throw the ball downfield on broken plays". Why do you make that comment now? And I know Casey doesn't need any extra motivation and the Lions don't. It's a big game on Friday, they know it. But why would you even fathom blurting that out with the big game against that team on Friday night at home?

What does it do for the Lions? Can they play with it? Post it? Talk about it?

I think Casey- I mean, yeah, he did make a lot of plays on broken plays last year. I think he looks way more poised this year, even though he's played much less than he did a year ago. But - Isn't making plays on broken plays furthering your cap? Exactly.

Isn't that a good thing? I would say so.

Wouldn't the possible knock on a quarterback be hey, when he gets great protection and gets time he-he can find a receiver? Right?

I-I'm with you. So when the play breaks down and he's forced to ad-lib and he does it very well? Yeah.

And he only passed for five thousand thirty-three yards, thirty-five touchdowns last year.

I think there's a compliment in there. Yeah, well, surely wasn't presented that way, I know. By the way, Dickinson (sp) says yesterday's practice is the best he's felt since the concussion happened. That's good news. Took some first team reps as well but, Casey will start on Friday. And of course we'll have the game for you right here on the team ten forty from Edmonton. Biggest game of the year so far. Friday night pre-game at five, kickoff at six.

All right, tonight's the night B Mac. Yes it is.

Forty million dollars up for grabs in the lotto six forty-nine.

Yeah, you betcha.

Canada's biggest jackpot ever. Got your ticket yet?


Do you? Oh yeah, do you have a - like a special set of numbers you play or do you do random quick pick?

I didn't. I've played family birth dates before. But I just went quick pick So, it's forty million. So-so you're buying your tickets now because it's forty million. If it was ten million, couldn't be bothered. Yeah, oh ten, then it got to be about twenty, nah thirty- You don't need thirty million dollars. There's just something about forty. Well, it just gives you a little bit more to play with.

That's a pretty good chunk of change. I don't understand- You know what I'm going to have tonight? What?

A chance.

At me?

Nothing. A zero chance.

Rick, it's one in fourteen million. Get in the game, man.

Like I said yesterday, you have as much chance of dying fifteen minutes after you buy your ticket as you do of actually winning the lottery- Here's a - And you're still breathing so - there you go. I don't smell a win. What's that song by Alanis Morissette? Ironic?


Lottery - did I say it right?

So here's Rick Ball's numbers for tonight folks. So don't pick 'em 'cause you'd have to share the prize money. That's right. Well, I'm not buying a ticket so don't worry about it. Here's his random selection, one, two, three, four, five, six. A lot of thought went into that. I said, now give me your second ones. So he started giving me seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve and we cut that one off. Three, six, seven, nineteen, forty-four and forty-nine. Rick Ball's ticket for tonight's six forty-nine jackpot. My daughter's three years old. I put the six and the forty-nine in there for six forty-nine, and then of course the big line seven, nineteen and forty-four. Bertuzzi, Naslund And the significance of the forty-nine? Oh six and six forty-nine.

And she's three. Okay, I've gotcha, I've gotcha. Now, if those numbers win, I'll be taking a leap off the Lion's Gate Bridge tomorrow. Now you laugh at my one, two, three, four, five, six.

Yeah, I do.

This illustrates to me as good as anything what the odds are of winning the lottery. The odds of one, two, three, four, five, six, are - coming out of that giant machine - are exactly the same as the odds of any other six numbers you might pick.

Well-well I'm rooting for you. I'm rooting for you. What's the first thing you'd buy if you win it. Oh, man. I'm buying a nice big house. See, listen to him.

I am.

He's sucked in now. He's going to - you're going to go buy a ticket. No I'm not, not a chance. I'm buying a great big house with an ocean view and a monster home theater room where I can sit and watch my hi-def television on my hundred inch projection screen in full dolby digital surround sound. Where Gracie - where, you can't hear Gracie - Daddy, me hungry. What are you buying?

I don't know. I'm pragmatic. I would put the money away for like, forty million. You put that away for a year and just spend the interest. You'd still put up more money then you could ever spend. I might buy the BC Lions if David Braley wants to sell them.

I-I'd- Then hire a new play by play guy, 'cause that guy sucks. I'd donate some money to charity. Help with the orphanage?

Hey, easy.

I'd pay for Pratt's visit to the Betty Ford Clinic. You must be Betty. I'm here on B Mac's dime. You know B Mac, won the big lottery? Alright let me in here. What's the number here? In case somebody wants to call me? People want to call me. They don't want to talk to Big Daddy. We're going to do the show live from here. Give me a guest, a reef, give me the bottle too. Where's the crown? I'm in the mode. It just sounds so much like him doesn't it? It's just spot on. All right, let's make the poll question this morning. Do you play the lottery? Are you buying a ticket tonight?


And what's the first thing you buy if you win? I like that.

All right, there you go.

I like that poll question.

You can weigh in on the website live or team ten forty dot co. We'll get some calls in later in the show as well. I like that poll question.

'Cause I-I just don't understand people that buy lottery tickets. I know.

There's a lot of things I don't understand about you. Have you ever bought a lottery ticket?

I haven't. You-you're serious? Never bought a lottery ticket. I've had them given to me- That's a crock of crap- I agree. Hook up the lie detector test. The polygraph, get it in here.

Now, I've had them given to me as gifts in cards and stuff like that. How about a scratch and win. Never bought a scratch and win?

Wow. That's good discipline. Will you come over and visit us in our new home?

Am I allowed?

B Mac and Ball at the team ten forty. Big show coming up. We've got Dan Scholman of ESPN has been working the World Series, he's in Texas. He'll join us at seven twenty this morning. We're offering a BC Lion for eight o'clock. We've got Daryl McGuire. Dan Scholman's at eight twenty, Daryl McGuire is at seven twenty. Right. Coming up next.

Talk line is eight o'clock. Canuck report at seven forty and next Ben Kuz The province in Minnesota after another Vancouver Canucks win. Three one over the Wild will hook up with Kuz on route to Colorado for the double dipping against the Av's. Next on the team ten forty. Esquire time is nineteen minutes after six.

Announcer: First with breaking NHL news. This is Vancouver's sports station. The Team Ten Forty.