[Vancouver, Canada] — LingQ was part of a study by researchers at Compare Language Apps — an independent research team that has analyzed major language apps Duolingo, Rosetta Stone, Busuu, Babbel, Pimsleur, italki and more — and came out at the top of the list in overall effectiveness.

"Renowned University of Maryland Professor Roumen Vesselinov, PhD, and his team studied the progress of a random group of Spanish learners over two months. The study focussed on improvements in grammar, vocabulary and oral proficiency and participants tested before and after the study using the college placement test WebCAPE to measure grammar/vocabulary proficiency and the True North Proficiency Test (TNT) to measure oral proficiency.
On average, participants gained 23 vocabulary/grammar proficiency WebCAPE test points and 0.06 points on the TNT oral proficiency test per one hour of study on LingQ. 86.1% of the participants improved their vocabulary/grammar proficiency and 89.1% of all study participants improved their oral proficiency. Just 13 hours of study covered the requirements for the first college semester of Spanish placement, fewer than all other apps tested.
"Obviously, we believe in our methodology and see its effectiveness firsthand through our interactions with our community of learners, and, for that matter, when using the app ourselves internally. However, to have this independently verified and quantified feels good for sure," said Mark Kaufmann, co-founder of LingQ. "While our approach is relatively straightforward, it delivers on our promise to deliver effective, efficient and enjoyable language learning. There are a lot of approaches out there but efficiency matters in language learning. Doing the right things will get you there faster. We’ve always felt this and these results confirm it."
For more information, visit https://www.lingq.com/en/press/about/.
Acerca de LingQ
Desde 2002, LingQ ha ayudado a millones de personas a aprender idiomas. Clasificada como la aplicación de idiomas más eficaz por un equipo independiente de investigadores de Compare Language Apps, el sistema basado en contenidos de LingQ ofrece 50 idiomas a estudiantes de todo el mundo. Con una de las bibliotecas de idiomas más grandes con contenido auténtico e interesante y miles de horas de lecciones de audio, hay algo para todos en LingQ. Los estudiantes también pueden personalizar su aprendizaje convirtiendo en lecciones cualquier contenido que encuentren en línea.
Los usuarios de LingQ tienen acceso a tutores en línea, un foro de comunidad lingüística global, intercambio comunitario de escritura y herramientas integradas de revisión de vocabulario SRS. Para garantizar el éxito y mantener a los alumnos comprometidos y motivados, LingQ mide todo en la página de estadísticas.
Para obtener más información, comuníquese con Elizabeth a través del correo elizabeth@lingq.com.
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