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EnglishLingQ - Eating Out, Part 6

Part 6

How often do you go to restaurants?

I go quite often, maybe once a week.

Me too. It costs a lot of money though.

Yeah. It is too expensive to eat out all of the time.

I usually cook at home.

What kind of food do you like to cook?

If I am alone I just boil some soup and make a sandwich.

That does not seem very interesting.

I know. But I do not feel like cooking a big meal for myself.

What about if you invite friends over?

If I invite a friend over I usually try to make something special.

What kind of things do you make if a friend comes over?

It depends. It might just be a salad and steak. Sometimes I will try to cook a gourmet meal.

Steaks are easy and always taste good.

I will usually open a bottle of wine with the meal.

What if you go out? What kind of restaurants do you like to go to?

I like all kinds of restaurants. I like Chinese food, Italian food, sushi, steaks, all kinds of food.

Me too. I like to eat different kinds of food.

Yeah but I like some kinds of food more than other kinds. I think I like Italian food best of all.

I like my mother's cooking best of all.

Of course. So do I.

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Part 6

How often do you go to restaurants? |¿Qué tan a menudo?|vas||vas||restaurantes

I go quite often, maybe once a week. ||||quizás|||

Me too. It costs a lot of money though. |||||mucho dinero|

Yeah. It is too expensive to eat out all of the time. |||demasiado caro||comer fuera||todo el tiempo||todo el tiempo|todo el tiempo

I usually cook at home. |suelo|cocino|en|en casa

What kind of food do you like to cook? ¿Qué|tipo||comida|||gustar|| ¿Qué tipo de comida te gusta cocinar?

If I am alone I just boil some soup and make a sandwich. Si estoy solo, simplemente hiervo un poco de sopa y hago un sándwich.

That does not seem very interesting. Eso no parece muy interesante.

I know. But I do not feel like cooking a big meal for myself.

What about if you invite friends over?

If I invite a friend over I usually try to make something special.

What kind of things do you make if a friend comes over?

It depends. It might just be a salad and steak. Sometimes I will try to cook a gourmet meal.

Steaks are easy and always taste good.

I will usually open a bottle of wine with the meal.

What if you go out? What kind of restaurants do you like to go to?

I like all kinds of restaurants. I like Chinese food, Italian food, sushi, steaks, all kinds of food.

Me too. I like to eat different kinds of food.

Yeah but I like some kinds of food more than other kinds. I think I like Italian food best of all.

I like my mother’s cooking best of all.

Of course. So do I.