
Un avverbio descrive o fornisce informazioni aggiuntive su un verbo, un aggettivo, un avverbio o una frase.


She was a very happy child.

He ate the hamburger quickly.

Her latest movie is absolutely terrifying!

Don't be gone for too long.

The old, dark house gave me a bad feeling.

Avverbi di luogo

Gli avverbi di luogo ci indicano il luogo in cui avviene qualcosa e non cambiano il significato degli aggettivi o degli avverbi.


about downstairs on
above east (ecc) out
abroad elsewhere outside
anywhere far over
away here there
backwards (anche backward) indoors under
Behind inside up
below near upstairs
down nearby dove

I suffissi "...wards" o "...ward" di solito esprimono il movimento nella direzione specificata.


The balloon floated upwards when she let it go.


The downward dog is his favourite yoga position.


He fell backwards off the horse.


Please move forward so I may get by.


The westward facing house was the one they liked the most.

Il suffisso "...dove" viene utilizzato anche con alcuni avverbi di luogo.


I have nowhere to go on the weekend, I need to make a plan.


Is there anywhere you would like to visit while you're here?


I have to find somewhere with a washroom.


I've looked everywhere for it.

Avverbi di tempo

Questi avverbi ci dicono quando è successo qualcosa. Gli avverbi di tempo ci dicono anche quanto spesso o per quanto tempo è successo qualcosa.


Avverbi quando Avverbi quanto spesso Avverbi quanto a lungo
adesso sometimes ages
then sempre all day
oggi usually since last month
domani yearly for several days
tonight hourly for many years
ogni gg. since the '90s
infrequently many hours

I have a meeting with him tomorrow.

We should go to the train station now.

He visits his grandmother yearly.

Ella sometimes adds strawberries to her yoghurt.

I have been using the app since last month.

Miguel has lived in New York since the '90s.

Avverbi di modo

Gli avverbi di modo ci dicono come è successo qualcosa.


angrily badly beautifully calmingly
carefully cautiously cleverly dangerously
eagerly excitedly foolishly fast
furiously happily greedily hard
hurriedly kindly nervously politely
quickly quietly secretly silently
slowly softly stupidly unhappily
well wickedly willingly wisely

Violet secretly hoped she wouldn't have to go to work.

He nervously played with his pen waiting to open the exam booklet.

The car was driving dangerously close to the sidewalk.

They quickly stopped talking when the teacher came in.

He stupidly forgot his car keys and had to go back.

Avverbi di grado

Gli avverbi di grado ci indicano il grado o la misura in cui qualcosa accade. Questi tipi di avverbi possono modificare verbi, aggettivi e avverbi.


Really Slowly Fairly Quickly
Just Very Quite Enough

Avverbi che modificano i verbi:

He was slowly walking to the park.

They had done enough dancing for one night.

Jenna quickly hid the book behind her back.

Avverbi che modificano gli aggettivi:

The kids were very kind to the lost dog.

The hotel ballroom was quite beautiful.

He was fairly happy at his new job.

Avverbi che modificano gli avverbi:

She had learned to play chess very well.

The birds ate the seed quite quickly.

The game was really cleverly created.

Avverbi di certezza

Gli avverbi di certezza indicano quanto siamo certi di qualcosa.


Certainly Definitely Probably Clearly
Undoubtedly Obviously Surely

I'm definitely going to get tickets for that show.

He is clearly feeling guilty about lying to her.

You're obviously not enjoying this movie, let's turn it off.

I'll probably go to the gallery opening on the weekend.

Formare avverbi da aggettivi

La maggior parte delle volte possiamo formare degli avverbi aggiungendo "-ly" alla fine dell'aggettivo.

Sostituisci la "y" con "i" e aggiungi "-ly" se l'aggettivo finisce in "y".

Se l'aggettivo termina in "-able", "-ible", o "-le", sostituisci la "-e" con "-y".

Se l'aggettivo termina in "-ic", aggiungiamo "-ally".

Aggettivo Avverbio
happy happily
gentle gently
tragic tragically
slow slowly

Avverbi relativi

Gli avverbi relativi uniscono frasi o clausole. Gli avverbi relativi sono "when", "where" e "why".

Do you know the reason why he is so upset?

The day when we will have the event is supposed to be sunny.

There is a beautiful library in the university where we met.

Avverbi interrogativi

Utilizziamo avverbi interrogativi "when", "where", "why" e "how" per formare le domande.

When does the next bus arrive?

Where will you go for summer vacation?

How do I get to the nearest beach?

Why doesn’t he want to come out to dinner with us tonight?