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EnglishLingQ - Who Is She?, Part 10

Do you mean they have lived together for half a year? They must be boyfriend and girlfriend.

I have no idea. When did your brother stop writing to you?

It has only been a few weeks since he stopped writing.

You see. It is not because of this girl that he stopped writing emails to you.

That is true I guess. He wrote me regularly until a few weeks ago. So why did he stop then?

Well let's try to figure out what happened. How often did he email you?

That is hard to say. He wrote quite often.

Did you always answer him?

I would always try to answer him as soon as possible.

But how many times did you not answer him?

It depended on how much work I had to do.

You always wrote by email?

Yes we kept in touch by email. I did not need to know where he lived.

How many emails did you get from him every month?

I got lots of email every month. I was always excited to get his emails.

Why did you not try to visit him before?

I was busy. Besides, I thought he was still away at school.

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Do you mean they have lived together for half a year? They must be boyfriend and girlfriend.

I have no idea. When did your brother stop writing to you?

It has only been a few weeks since he stopped writing.

You see. It is not because of this girl that he stopped writing emails to you.

That is true I guess. He wrote me regularly until a few weeks ago. So why did he stop then?

Well let's try to figure out what happened. How often did he email you?

? That is hard to say. He wrote quite often.

Did you always answer him?

I would always try to answer him as soon as possible.

But how many times did you not answer him?

It depended on how much work I had to do.

You always wrote by email?

Yes we kept in touch by email. I did not need to know where he lived.

How many emails did you get from him every month?

I got lots of email every month. I was always excited to get his emails.

Why did you not try to visit him before?

I was busy. Besides, I thought he was still away at school.