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Beginner Collection - Shopping for Mom, Shopping for mom 6

Brother: I can't believe the entire parking lot was full. Sister: At least we got a spot. Brother: Yeah in the very back of the parking lot. Sister: Anyway, I'm hungry. Lets get something to eat in the food court before finding a present for mom. Brother: Good idea. Im starving. You can pay for it. Sister: Why should I have to pay for it? Brother: Because you are the one who insisted we go to the mall. Sister: Fine then, I will pay for it. What do you want? Brother: I think I'll have a hamburger. Sister: What? shouldn't you get something more healthy. You should get a salad or something. Brother: No, I'm in the mood for meat! I want a hamburger! Sister: Ok, fine, you can get a hamburger, and I will go over there and get a salad. Here is $5. Brother: Thanks sis.

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Brother:  I can't believe the entire parking lot was full.
Sister:  At least we got a spot.
Brother:  Yeah in the very back of the parking lot.
Sister:  Anyway,  I'm hungry.  Lets get something to eat in the food court before finding a present for mom.
Brother:  Good idea.  Im starving.   You can pay for it.
Sister:  Why should I have to pay for it?  
Brother:  Because you are the one who insisted we go to the mall.  
Sister:  Fine then, I will pay for it.  What do you want?
Brother:  I think I'll have a hamburger.
Sister: What? shouldn't you get something more healthy.  You should get a salad or something.
Brother:  No, I'm in the mood for meat!  I want a hamburger! 
Sister:  Ok, fine, you can get a hamburger, and I will go over there and get a salad.  Here is $5.
Brother:  Thanks sis.