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Learner of the Month, January 2007

While Johanne Lambert has only been a member of The Linguist for four months, I feel she has earned the title of Linguist Learner of the Month. She is a 48-year old kindergarten teacher in Quebec, Canada. French is her native language but she started learning English in high school. She is improving her English skills on The Linguist because she would like to start teaching English at the school where she already works. Her school paid for her to do a semester of English courses at a university in Quebec, but she didn't think she would have enough exposure to English to really improve her speaking skills. Therefore, she decided to join The Linguist as well.

Johanne enjoys all the different Linguist activities, but her favourite activity is speaking. She has made friends all over the world and she sometimes participates in two discussions per day. She also spends a lot of time reading. She likes to read the texts out loud while listening to the native speaker. She finds this helps her get used to speaking at a natural speed. Furthermore, she enjoys writing and receiving her corrections. She said she had never received writing corrections like the ones we provide.

In just four months, Johanne has saved 3500 words and phrases; submitted 25,000 words of writing; participated in more than 150 discussions and 1on 1 conversations; and spent 60 hours listening. Her motivation and dedication are amazing! She enjoys studying on The Linguist so much that she neglected her university courses for several months.

All in all, Johanne has found The Linguist system very helpful and enjoyable. She appreciates the prompt replies to her emails and is happy that we take our members suggestions into consideration. Johanne said, 'I feel like I am a member of a big family.' I believe this feeling of community is very important. Many Linguist members have made good friends through their Vox blogs and through the discussions.

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While Johanne Lambert has only been a member of The Linguist for four months, I feel she has earned the title of Linguist Learner of the Month. She is a 48-year old kindergarten teacher in Quebec, Canada. French is her native language but she started learning English in high school. She is improving her English skills on The Linguist because she would like to start teaching English at the school where she already works. Her school paid for her to do a semester of English courses at a university in Quebec, but she didn't think she would have enough exposure to English to really improve her speaking skills. Therefore, she decided to join The Linguist as well.

Johanne enjoys all the different Linguist activities, but her favourite activity is speaking. She has made friends all over the world and she sometimes participates in two discussions per day. She also spends a lot of time reading. She likes to read the texts out loud while listening to the native speaker. She finds this helps her get used to speaking at a natural speed. Furthermore, she enjoys writing and receiving her corrections. She said she had never received writing corrections like the ones we provide.

In just four months, Johanne has saved 3500 words and phrases; submitted 25,000 words of writing; participated in more than 150 discussions and 1on 1 conversations; and spent 60 hours listening. Her motivation and dedication are amazing! She enjoys studying on The Linguist so much that she neglected her university courses for several months.

All in all, Johanne has found The Linguist system very helpful and enjoyable. She appreciates the prompt replies to her emails and is happy that we take our members suggestions into consideration. Johanne said, 'I feel like I am a member of a big family.'

I believe this feeling of community is very important. Many Linguist members have made good friends through their Vox blogs and through the discussions.