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Wayne Gretzky

Wayne Gretzky

Peter Gzowski:Sometime this year, probably within the next week or so, Wayne Gretzky will get his 1,000th goal as a hockey player, and the amazing thing about that is that Wayne turned 13 - when? January?

Wayne Gretzky:Yes.

January 26th, you turned 13. How many goals have you scored this year?


I'm involved with minor hockey in a way, not as deeply as you, but some of the things about it make me sick. Some of the things really bother me. And I know that I've seen teams that if they played against a player with as big a reputation as Wayne Gretzky has developed at the age of 12, they would be laying for him with every trick in the book, that the coaches would be telling them how to take him into the corner, how to rough him up, how to get him off the ice, if they can. How much of that do you face, Wayne?

A lot. Because it's a new team so. What do they do to you?

Butt-ends and stuff like that.

What do you think about that? Is that good sportsmanship?

It doesn't bother me when I play. I just try to hit 'em back fair and do as best as I can. You going to be a pro?

All I can say is that I hope.

--------------------------------------------------------------- "Morningside's" first interview in some time with Wayne Gretzky is about to begin. We recorded it yesterday afternoon. And before it does, I should explain my own opening comment. Wayne is many things, including the most prolific hockey scorer who's ever lived, but one thing he is not is punctual. This is, of course, not always his own fault. One of the prices that people lucky enough to play on the same team with him have to get used to is waiting in the bus outside the arena while Wayne gives one more interview or signs 200 more autographs. And, I guess, when he did show up, I was still thinking of how, even in the days when I knew him well, he used to be tardy.

You're late again. I knew you were going to say that.

Well, I've been waiting A half an hour. Well, I have a very good excuse. I was doing physical testing today for the hockey team, and I don't know why they keep putting me through this. They know that (1) I'm not very strong and (2) I'm not powerful and that I have pretty good endurance, so it's the same results every year. Now, you used to be? I think you were the weakest of the Oilers, weren't you? That's why they went without me. No, it isn't, Wayne. Well, probably.

You know what I was thinking about as I was waiting for you to make your way through the hotel lobby in Ottawa and get up there? What I was thinking about - this is a mark of how much things have changed since you and I spent a little time together - but there was a morning when the Oilers were in Boston, when I was travelling with you, and you had to do your first-ever appearance on "The Today Show." Do you remember that?

Oh, yes, I remember that.

And you wanted me to go with you - I remember that. - and hold your hand, because I don't think you'd ever done live network television before. I remember because Bryant Gumbel did the interview, and I was so nervous, my cheeks were quivering, and I didn't give a very good interview.

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Wayne Gretzky

Peter Gzowski:Sometime this year, probably within the next week or so, Wayne Gretzky will get his 1,000th goal as a hockey player, and the amazing thing about that is that Wayne turned 13 - when? January?

Wayne Gretzky:Yes.

January 26th, you turned 13. How many goals have you scored this year?


I'm involved with minor hockey in a way, not as deeply as you, but some of the things about it make me sick. Some of the things really bother me. And I know that I've seen teams that if they played against a player with as big a reputation as Wayne Gretzky has developed at the age of 12, they would be laying for him with every trick in the book, that the coaches would be telling them how to take him into the corner, how to rough him up, how to get him off the ice, if they can. How much of that do you face, Wayne?

A lot. Because it's a new team so. What do they do to you?

Butt-ends and stuff like that.

What do you think about that? Is that good sportsmanship?

It doesn't bother me when I play. I just try to hit 'em back fair and do as best as I can. You going to be a pro?

All I can say is that I hope.

--------------------------------------------------------------- "Morningside's" first interview in some time with Wayne Gretzky is about to begin. We recorded it yesterday afternoon. And before it does, I should explain my own opening comment. Wayne is many things, including the most prolific hockey scorer who's ever lived, but one thing he is not is punctual. This is, of course, not always his own fault. One of the prices that people lucky enough to play on the same team with him have to get used to is waiting in the bus outside the arena while Wayne gives one more interview or signs 200 more autographs. And, I guess, when he did show up, I was still thinking of how, even in the days when I knew him well, he used to be tardy.

You're late again. I knew you were going to say that.

Well, I've been waiting A half an hour. Well, I have a very good excuse. I was doing physical testing today for the hockey team, and I don't know why they keep putting me through this. They know that (1) I'm not very strong and (2) I'm not powerful and that I have pretty good endurance, so it's the same results every year. Now, you used to be? I think you were the weakest of the Oilers, weren't you? That's why they went without me. No, it isn't, Wayne. Well, probably.

You know what I was thinking about as I was waiting for you to make your way through the hotel lobby in Ottawa and get up there? What I was thinking about - this is a mark of how much things have changed since you and I spent a little time together - but there was a morning when the Oilers were in Boston, when I was travelling with you, and you had to do your first-ever appearance on "The Today Show." Do you remember that?

Oh, yes, I remember that.

And you wanted me to go with you - I remember that. - and hold your hand, because I don't think you'd ever done live network television before. I remember because Bryant Gumbel did the interview, and I was so nervous, my cheeks were quivering, and I didn't give a very good interview.