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Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden, Vancouver

Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden, Vancouver

This placid garden is tucked away behind protective walls in the middle of bustling Chinatown. The architecture, rocks, plants and water are artfully combined in a serene and striking setting. The garden is named for the founder of the first Chinese Republic, who visited Vancouver many times. Facilities include guided tours, special events, and a gift shop.

It is a harmony of contrasts, of dark and light, solid and empty, hard and soft, straight and undulating, yin and yang. New meanings will be found in the symbolic objects and plants, new pictures seen as shadows play across the rocks. The garden unfolds itself slowly.

In this site, the Garden comes to life. The Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden in Vancouver, British Columbia is the only full-sized classical Chinese garden outside China and though it was built in the 1980s, employed the ancient techniques of the originals. For the architect, the botanist, the student of history, the lover of beauty, this site provides insights into the subtle wonders to be found within the walls of this living treasure.

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Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden, Vancouver

This placid garden is tucked away behind protective walls in the middle of bustling Chinatown. The architecture, rocks, plants and water are artfully combined in a serene and striking setting. The garden is named for the founder of the first Chinese Republic, who visited Vancouver many times. Facilities include guided tours, special events, and a gift shop.

It is a harmony of contrasts, of dark and light, solid and empty, hard and soft, straight and undulating, yin and yang. New meanings will be found in the symbolic objects and plants, new pictures seen as shadows play across the rocks. The garden unfolds itself slowly.

In this site, the Garden comes to life. The Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden in Vancouver, British Columbia is the only full-sized classical Chinese garden outside China and though it was built in the 1980s, employed the ancient techniques of the originals. For the architect, the botanist, the student of history, the lover of beauty, this site provides insights into the subtle wonders to be found within the walls of this living treasure.