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Emma's Students Stories, A Bad Dog and a Treasure by Vincent

I have a big dog named Bill. Bill is bad, because he chews on my shoes. He chews on my father's newspaper﹑ my mother's dress and my brother's toys﹒ We hate that Bill chews on our things﹐but we hope he will bite robbers when the time comes﹒ One day , Bill brought something to me﹒ It was a box﹒ There was a treasure map inside. "I'm rich," I thought to myself. Now, I can give my father & mother some money , and buy that bad dog of mine a lot of dog food﹒

I have a big dog named Bill. Bill is bad, because he chews on my shoes. He chews on my father's newspaper﹑ my mother's dress and my brother's toys﹒ We hate that Bill chews on our things﹐but we hope he will bite robbers when the time comes﹒

One day , Bill brought something to me﹒ It was a box﹒ There was a treasure map inside. "I'm rich," I thought to myself. Now, I can give my father & mother some money , and buy that bad dog of mine a lot of dog food﹒