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Improve Your English Skills by Writing, Part 3

To be able to write academic and professional English can require a vocabulary of over 10,000 words. LingQ will help you learn how to use these words. As you progress you will naturally develop the ability to handle more complex subjects in your writing. However the sentences should still be simple, clear and logical. If you develop the right habits with the basic vocabulary, your academic and professional English will be clear and effective.

At LingQ, you will systematically accumulate lots of powerful words and phrases, and learn how they are used. You will get a feel for the logic of English. Your growing knowledge of words and phrases will enable you to express more and more varied ideas. LingQ is designed to help you build your language power in this way.

Critical Thinking and Ideas When writing you will be judged on your ideas, on how original they are. You will need to take a position on the question you are discussing. The more original your analyses and conclusions, and the better you understand the issues, the better you will be able to write.

You not only need to learn new words and phrases. You also need to become observant of the way ideas are handled in English. You need to apply critical thinking when reading and listening. This will train you to write more demanding articles, including academic articles and business reports in English.

To the ancient philosophers of Greece and Rome, like Socrates and Seneca, if the ideas were clear the words would come. Try to develop the skills of critical thinking. This will help you form your ideas and make your writing easier.

Think of the key elements of critical thinking.

Observe Question Analyze Compare Evaluate Judge Synthesize Learn to apply the elements of critical thinking while you are reading and listening. Do this in English, since you are reading and listening in English. This will prepare you for reasoning and writing effectively in English.

Make Sure You Write Regularly at LingQ.

Make sure you write and submit writing for correction. If you do so you will get a lot of feedback that will help you to improve. The typical writing submission should be no more than 300 words long. LingQ will help you to improve by providing you with the following feedback.

You will see both your original text and the corrected text.

Incorrect phrases are highlighted in your original text.

Corrected phrases are highlighted in the corrected text.

A list of correct phrases is provided for you to learn. You should look for similar phrases in your reading.

When you import the corrected text into your WorkDesk, you have a chance to save the words you have trouble with. LingQ develops an ongoing statistical profile showing the frequency and nature of your errors.

Do not be afraid of writing. As explained above, until you are very good at using the language, you should try to write the way you speak. Do not sit frozen struggling to create formal prose. Just start writing, as if you were talking, in simple direct sentences. As you continue with Lingq you will naturally develop a more and more effective writing style. Even if you are an advanced writer, you should keep your sentences simple and direct.

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To be able to write academic and professional English can require a vocabulary of over 10,000 words. LingQ will help you learn how to use these words. As you progress you will naturally develop the ability to handle more complex subjects in your writing. However the sentences should still be simple, clear and logical. If you develop the right habits with the basic vocabulary, your academic and professional English will be clear and effective.

At LingQ, you will systematically accumulate lots of powerful words and phrases, and learn how they are used. You will get a feel for the logic of English. Your growing knowledge of words and phrases will enable you to express more and more varied ideas. LingQ is designed to help you build your language power in this way.

Critical Thinking and Ideas

When writing you will be judged on your ideas, on how original they are. You will need to take a position on the question you are discussing. The more original your analyses and conclusions, and the better you understand the issues, the better you will be able to write.

You not only need to learn new words and phrases. You also need to become observant of the way ideas are handled in English. You need to apply critical thinking when reading and listening. This will train you to write more demanding articles, including academic articles and business reports in English.

To the ancient philosophers of Greece and Rome, like Socrates and Seneca, if the ideas were clear the words would come. Try to develop the skills of critical thinking. This will help you form your ideas and make your writing easier.

Think of the key elements of critical thinking.

  • Observe
  • Question
  • Analyze
  • Compare
  • Evaluate
  • Judge
  • Synthesize

Learn to apply the elements of critical thinking while you are reading and listening. Do this in English, since you are reading and listening in English. This will prepare you for reasoning and writing effectively in English.

Make Sure You Write Regularly at LingQ.

Make sure you write and submit writing for correction. If you do so you will get a lot of feedback that will help you to improve. The typical writing submission should be no more than 300 words long. LingQ will help you to improve by providing you with the following feedback.

You will see both your original text and the corrected text.

Incorrect phrases are highlighted in your original text.

Corrected phrases are highlighted in the corrected text.

A list of correct phrases is provided for you to learn. You should look for similar phrases in your reading.

When you import the corrected text into your WorkDesk, you have a chance to save the words you have trouble with. LingQ develops an ongoing statistical profile showing the frequency and nature of your errors.

Do not be afraid of writing. As explained above, until you are very good at using the language, you should try to write the way you speak. Do not sit frozen struggling to create formal prose. Just start writing, as if you were talking, in simple direct sentences. As you continue with Lingq you will naturally develop a more and more effective writing style. Even if you are an advanced writer, you should keep your sentences simple and direct.