VD # 002, Breakfast I go into the kitchen. I make coffee.
First I pour water into the coffee maker.
I pour ground coffee into the filter.
Then I turn on the machine.
I make breakfast for everyone.
I make breakfast for Jurgen.
I make breakfast for my daughter, and I make breakfast for me. It consists of a sandwich.
I smear margarine on the bread.
I cover the bread with sausage or cheese.
On top of that I put tomatoes or carrots.
Everyone gets an apple, a banana or other fruit.
We take the breakfast with us.
We eat breakfast at work or at school.
Then the coffee is ready.
We eat a snack at home before we go.
We eat cereal or corn flakes with milk.
I drink this coffee.
During breakfast, we read the newspaper.
Then I have to drive to work.
I put on my jacket and take my bag.
Text translated and recorded by David Martin (sprachenfreak). Copyright Vera Ihrig.