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Copycat, Part 2

Cc - the copied cat - came five years later, in Texas, in the USA.

But why would anyone want to clone a cat?

Well, one of the Texas scientists claimed serious scientific reasons for cloning a cat. He said that cats have a type of AIDS that is a good model for studying human AIDS.

However, a report in the Wall Street Journal said that the money for the cloning experiments came from a businessman. The report says that the businessman wanted rich people to pay to have their pet animals cloned.

People in many countries keep animals as pets. They grow to love their pets very much. For such people, the death of the pet is a very painful thing. Some of them will pay a lot of money to avoid such pain.

The company behind the cat clone experiments is 'Genetic Savings and Clone'. The name is a play on words. Savings and Clone sounds like 'savings and loan' In America a 'savings and loan' is an organisation that helps people save money now because they hope to buy a home later. With this company, you save your pet's DNA now, and you hope to buy a clone later. 'Savings and Clone' will store your animal's DNA for you. That service costs about a thousand dollars. Mary Anne Daniel is from California in America. She has just had her cat's DNA stored by Savings and Clone. Smokey the cat is nineteen years old. Mary Anne knows that he is old and will die soon. Mary Anne hopes that the company can make her another cat from Smokey's DNA. Mary Anne says that her cat is very important to her. When she heard about the cloning treatment she was happy.

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Cc - the copied cat - came five years later, in Texas, in the USA.

But why would anyone want to clone a cat?

Well, one of the Texas scientists claimed serious scientific reasons for cloning a cat. He said that cats have a type of AIDS that is a good model for studying human AIDS.

However, a report in the Wall Street Journal said that the money for the cloning experiments came from a businessman. The report says that the businessman wanted rich people to pay to have their pet animals cloned.

People in many countries keep animals as pets. They grow to love their pets very much. For such people, the death of the pet is a very painful thing. Some of them will pay a lot of money to avoid such pain.

The company behind the cat clone experiments is 'Genetic Savings and Clone'. The name is a play on words. Savings and Clone sounds like 'savings and loan' In America a 'savings and loan' is an organisation that helps people save money now because they hope to buy a home later. With this company, you save your pet's DNA now, and you hope to buy a clone later.

'Savings and Clone' will store your animal's DNA for you. That service costs about a thousand dollars. Mary Anne Daniel is from California in America. She has just had her cat's DNA stored by Savings and Clone. Smokey the cat is nineteen years old. Mary Anne knows that he is old and will die soon. Mary Anne hopes that the company can make her another cat from Smokey's DNA. Mary Anne says that her cat is very important to her. When she heard about the cloning treatment she was happy.