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Famous Movie Speeches, Crimson Tide" (1995)

Crimson Tide" (1995)

Captain Frank Ramsey: Addresses the Crew of the USS Alabama Cob: Crew present and accounted for, Sir! Ramsey: Little ducks, there's trouble in Russia. So they called us. And we're going over there and bringing the most lethal killing machine ever devised. We're capable of launching more firepower than has ever been released in the history of war. For one purpose alone: Keep our country safe.

Ramsey: We constitute the front line and the last line of defense. I expect and demand your very best. Anything less -- you should've joined the Air Force. This might be our Commander-in-Chief's Navy, but this is my boat. And all I ask is that you keep up with me. And if you can't, that strange sensation you'll be feeling in the seat of your pants will be my boot in your ass. Ramsey: Mr. Cob?

Cob: Yes, Sir!

Ramsey: You're aware of the name of this ship, aren't you, Mr. Cob? Cob: VERY aware, Sir!

Ramsey: It bears a proud name doesn't it, Mr. Cob. Cob: VERY proud, Sir!

Ramsey: It represents fine people.

Cob: VERY fine people, Sir!

Ramsey: Who live in a fine, outstanding State.


Ramsey: In the greatest country in the entire world.

Cob: In the ENTIRE world, Sir!

Ramsey: And what is that name, Mr. Cob?

Cob: ALABAMA, Sir!

Ramsey: And what do we say?!

Ramsey & Cob: Go 'Bama'! Crew: ROLL TIDE!!

Ramsey: Chief of the boat: Dismiss the crew.

Cob: Dismiss the crew! Aye, aye, Sir! Crew, department heads, attend to your department. Fall out!

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Crimson Tide" (1995)

Captain Frank Ramsey: Addresses the Crew of the USS Alabama Cob: Crew present and accounted for, Sir! Ramsey: Little ducks, there's trouble in Russia. So they called us. And we're going over there and bringing the most lethal killing machine ever devised. We're capable of launching more firepower than has ever been released in the history of war. For one purpose alone: Keep our country safe.

Ramsey: We constitute the front line and the last line of defense. I expect and demand your very best. Anything less -- you should've joined the Air Force. This might be our Commander-in-Chief's Navy, but this is my boat. And all I ask is that you keep up with me. And if you can't, that strange sensation you'll be feeling in the seat of your pants will be my boot in your ass. Ramsey: Mr. Cob?

Cob: Yes, Sir!

Ramsey: You're aware of the name of this ship, aren't you, Mr. Cob? Cob: VERY aware, Sir!

Ramsey: It bears a proud name doesn't it, Mr. Cob. Cob: VERY proud, Sir!

Ramsey: It represents fine people.

Cob: VERY fine people, Sir!

Ramsey: Who live in a fine, outstanding State.


Ramsey: In the greatest country in the entire world.

Cob: In the ENTIRE world, Sir!

Ramsey: And what is that name, Mr. Cob?

Cob: ALABAMA, Sir!

Ramsey: And what do we say?!

Ramsey & Cob: Go 'Bama'! Crew: ROLL TIDE!!

Ramsey: Chief of the boat: Dismiss the crew.

Cob: Dismiss the crew! Aye, aye, Sir! Crew, department heads, attend to your department. Fall out!