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Steve's Tips

One thing that makes The Linguist so efficient is the chance to combine different features of the system. There are three features that not everyone uses which can really help you to improve if you use them together. Here is what I mean.

1) Forum. We have three open forums, one on English, one on The Linguist system and one on any subject you want to talk about. Try them it out. Take part and use your English.

If you want you can first submit your post to WRITE and have it corrected and then copy and paste it onto the Forum. This might make it easier to write, since you are writing about something that interests you, and you are learning at the same time. It will make sure that all the language on our Forum is correct.

2) WRITE. One of our learners pointed out that when she saves corrected phrases from WRITE, the sentence is not pulled into her database like it is with phrases from other content she is studying. She is right, and this is something we will try to improve in the next version. In the meantime you can all copy and paste corrected writing samples into Imported Content. Then any words or phrases you save will pick up further example sentences from any content you are studying.

3) Imported Content. Remember, if you want to increase your vocabulary, import content from the Internet. Just copy and paste articles from online newspapers, magazines or other sources. Go to READ and just follow the Imported Content instructions. When you do that, all of The Linguist functions will work. You will see how many new words there are for you in the article you have imported. If you save a word or phrase, all sentences that you have read or will read on The Linguist system that have these words and phrases will be pulled into your database for regular review.

Get out there and use The Linguist efficiently.

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One thing that makes The Linguist so efficient is the chance to combine different features of the system. There are three features that not everyone uses which can really help you to improve if you use them together. Here is what I mean.

1) Forum. We have three open forums, one on English, one on The Linguist system and one on any subject you want to talk about. Try them it out. Take part and use your English.

If you want you can first submit your post to WRITE and have it corrected and then copy and paste it onto the Forum. This might make it easier to write, since you are writing about something that interests you, and you are learning at the same time. It will make sure that all the language on our Forum is correct.

2) WRITE. One of our learners pointed out that when she saves corrected phrases from WRITE, the sentence is not pulled into her database like it is with phrases from other content she is studying. She is right, and this is something we will try to improve in the next version. In the meantime you can all copy and paste corrected writing samples into Imported Content. Then any words or phrases you save will pick up further example sentences from any content you are studying.

3) Imported Content. Remember, if you want to increase your vocabulary, import content from the Internet. Just copy and paste articles from online newspapers, magazines or other sources. Go to READ and just follow the Imported Content instructions. When you do that, all of The Linguist functions will work. You will see how many new words there are for you in the article you have imported. If you save a word or phrase, all sentences that you have read or will read on The Linguist system that have these words and phrases will be pulled into your database for regular review.

Get out there and use The Linguist efficiently.