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Shannon Nelson Radio Show, Sexual Assault by a Judge, Part 2

Shannon: Probably not a very great day if you were at Judge David Williams Ramsey, who was sentenced yesterday to seven years in jail for sexual assaults that he admitted to on four aboriginal girls. He basically, I mean, it's a very grim story. I don't like to name call or anything but the guy admitted to some pretty horrible behavior when he was a Judge. He would pick up girls that were in his courtroom, sometimes as young as 12, pay them for sex, well, sometimes he didn't even pay them. He raped and beat these girls, threatened them if they wanted to use a condom. He blames his actions on a significant character flaw, made an apology yesterday and here's the thing that really stood out for me. I mean we've all been hearing about this. It's a horrible story, he resigned from the bench in the year 2002 after the social workers basically started asking around to see how many girls he'd been with and abused in this way. So, he resigned from the bench. He was in court yesterday with his wife holding his hand. It's just blows me away. I don't understand how a woman could go through something like this with her husband to know that he is capable of those kinds of things and then to be standing there supporting him when he's in court. I just don't get it. I'm not sure what that says about me, not sure what it says about her. One of the young girls in the news room said oh I think it shows a sign of strength, but women who stand by these men who are guilty of these horrendous crimes, I think, are, I don't know. I mean, what is this? Is there sort of an unwritten code that we're supposed to stand by our man at all costs? It's like Dar Heatherington's husband, standing by Dar. Like what? I don't get it. Perhaps my commitment to marriage is questionable, perhaps I'm vindictive and hateful but I just don't get how she could be standing in this courtroom beside this guy who's done these things. She's a victim too and maybe that's part of it. Anyway, I'd love to hear from you this morning if you noticed the same thing and had the same thoughts, like what is going on there that she would, what must that be like to be married to a guy like that and to be going through this? How could you stand there? Perhaps she is incredibly brave, I don't know. I'm thinking she's, there's something wrong there. Anyway, here's our number, 604-280-2386, on your cell it's *1410, toll free 1-877-280-2386. I'd love it if somebody could explain it to me. I see her as a victim and wow, it's like I just don't understand it. Rick you're on CFUN. Rick: Shannon I'd like to make a couple of points before I forget them and then I'll tell you my comments. Shannon: Ok.

Rick: I'm just going to give them to you in the order that I'm thinking about them. He only apologized a couple of hours before he was sentenced. He had five charges that were dropped that didn't come forward. He's got four kids and he only told them about it just before he made his plea bargain. Shannon: I thought he just has one kid, a daughter.

Rick: No, from what I read in the paper, I don't know if it was yesterday or the day before, I thought there was four. I could be mistaken. He transferred the house to his wife for one dollar in 2002 again, just before he made his plea bargain.

Shannon: Right.

Rick: So, she's trying, ok, just a minute. He was convicted of the sex charges, what about abuse of judicial powers? Does he walk on all that stuff?

Shannon: Yeah.

I guess.

Rick: He can be sued for what he did by them, by the victims and so he's circling his wagons to protect his assets which is what she's doing too. And the other thing is he got a seven year sentence but I believe he's only going to serve three. The other comment is I believe that what he did is worse than murder because these people are going to have to live with this for the rest of their life whereas a murder victim, it's a one shot deal. Shannon: Yeah.

Rick: And, my personal belief is she doesn't care about anything but her financial end of it because she's standing behind him trying to make him look good to minimize any possible financial impact. Shannon: Yeah, and I think it's you Rick who said to me a bunch of times, follow the money. Follow the money, that'll always be the answer. Rick: Yeah, and I think that's what's happening here. If she doesn't stand behind him, I really hope that they sue him and they can show that he is trying to avoid these things and they can take him for everything they can and get these young girls all the help they can get because they are going to need it. You know, in this business of blaming them to be prostitutes and that, I don't see it. He had all this personal information and stuff like that, then he just played games with them.

Shannon: Yeah.

And you know, I don't think that, I don't know how you can do that kind of thing and sort of walk around with, I don't know if he has a clear conscience or not but I just don't know how you can do that kind of thing at all. I can't fathom it and I can't fathom her, the wife, first of all not having some clue as to what's going on and secondly, you might be right Rick and I guess it's kind of jaded to feel that way but it's probably about protecting the family assets. I don't know, I mean obviously the family reputation is in the toilet but the whole stand by your man, I'd have been out of there, money or not faster than you can say boo if my husband had pled guilty to these assault charges. It's just horrendous to me and I guess I just don't understand. Maybe it is the money, but I just don't understand that mentality of stand by your man at all cost. I guess it happens in the reverse sometimes as well but I think there are certain situations that you don't stand by your man. When he's done something like this I think it says something. Something is wrong with that woman that she'd be doing this. 604-280-CFUN, *1410 on your cell, toll free 1-877-280-2386. Hey Carol, you're on CFUN. Carol: Hi. When I saw that on TV yesterday that's the very first thing that came to my mind. Shannon: Yeah, me too.

Carol: And, I thought oh my God, what's the matter with you? Her family should have her have her head examined.

Shannon: Yeah.

Carol: And, she should put him on the chopping block and get away from him. That's terrible. What's the matter with her? Shannon: Well that's what I'm thinking too. Carol: Money or no money. You know? He's going to go to jail, he's going to die. Just like that other guy.

Shannon: Yeah, I wonder if someone will take care of him in jail.

Carol: That Father Gagen They took care of him. She's going to end up with the money anyway. Shannon: Yeah.

I don't know. Carol: I've been horrified. I'm just disgusted by her. Shannon: Yeah.

Well you've got to wonder like I don't know, on the one hand you sort of look and you say she's a victim too. She's married to the guy and she's been put through this and her family has been put through this whether he has one kid or four, I thought he had one. Carol: I thought he had one too.

Shannon: A grown daughter. I don't know that it doesn't really matter. All I know is that there are victims beyond the girls that he has assaulted and she's probably one of them. On the other hand, what strange psychological condition would it be that would make you feel like it was important to stand by your man through something like this? Like it's not like he stole $150 from work or anything like that. This is sick behavior.

Carol: And she's sick. Shannon: Well you'd have to think that. Carol: That's how I think anyway. Shannon: Either that or.

Carol: If I'm wrong well I'm wrong but oh boy, I just think it's disgusting. Shannon: Yeah, I'm with you Carol and I appreciate the call this morning. Maybe it is about money. I don't know, perhaps they are just protecting their assets. Maybe it's about a commitment to marriage. I mean I guess it's through sickness and health and maybe this is some kind of a sickness. He's saying there is a character flaw. This is the Judge William Ramsey who was sentenced yesterday to seven years in prison. A character flaw, is that sickness? Does the marriage contract cover this kind of thing? Do you think it's reasonable to expect that your wife would stand by you if you'd been through something like this? I guess that's what I'd like to know. I think there are certain crimes, there are certain things that you can do that I guess transcend the marriage contract and this in my mind, would be part of that. I just don't understand how a woman would hang in with a guy who would do this. It's just to me, unfathomable. 604-280-CFUN, *1410 on your cell, toll free 1-877-280-2386. Just a reminder of how he was actually caught. He picked up a 16 year old girl in 1999, raped her, beat her, called her a whore. Three years later she entered rehab, cleaned up her life and was trying to regain custody of her son in court and he was the judge. She regained custody but recognized him, ran outside, told the social workers tearfully and they pursued action against him. Of course, found, it swelled and found several other girls who had been through the same kind of thing. Unbelievable. Jennifer you're on CFUN. Jennifer: Hi Shannon.

Shannon: Hi.

Jennifer: It's your sister in law. Shannon: Oh hey, how are you doing?

Jennifer: Good.

Shannon: Hey how's my God boy? Jennifer: He's good. He took his first steps today.

Shannon: No.

Jennifer: That's not the reason I'm calling. Shannon: Ok, but that is so exciting because you know all the listeners know about the God son. He actually walked today? Did he ever crawl?

Jennifer: Yes he did.

Shannon: Oh come on.

Jennifer: I'm not kidding. Shannon: That is big news.

Jennifer: I know you didn't think he was that developed. Shannon: Well we've always questioned whether he had both oars in the water but you know given the fact that you're his mother we had hope. Jennifer: Ok.

Shannon: Ok, go.

Jennifer: No my comment, I'm listening to your show which I know you say I never do anyway so, but my comment is like you know in that situation too I think what do parents think that message sends to their children especially her daughter? What is that saying about the way that she is supposed to view relationships and she's supposed to view men? What's acceptable and what's not? I mean she has the biggest duty, responsibility, maybe I'm a mother and I'm saying this but to her children. I think you don't stand by a man who's done something like that to other women especially when you have a daughter. Shannon: I agree with you and I have to wonder, I think this does transcend the marriage contract. I mean I know sickness and health and all the rest of that stuff but it does send a pretty, I think that the message socially that you send by doing something like that is so negative that the marriage contract be damned.

Jennifer: Oh yeah. Like it's over. I'm sorry you just can't get past that. Shannon: It must be about the money thing I think but even so you have to be I think a bigger person and actually take a stand on an issue like this. If you know, if the guy has actually admitted it, I don't know how you can ever get to a place where there's forgiveness for that kind of behavior and perhaps I'm just you know... Jennifer: Or trust? How do you know that that's not going to happen again? I mean there's something in somebody's character that makes them able to do something like that. Shannon: Yeah.

Ok, now back to the God boy. So he took his first steps. Where was he?

Jennifer: You know what the sad part is? Everybody's going to think I'm a horrible mother for this. I just started a nanny because I'm doing some contract work. Shannon: Yeah.

Jennifer: So I'm on my way to a meeting and that's why I'm listening to you in the car. So she comes down and says to me as I'm leaving the door oh do you know that he's walking? I said, no and she said oh yeah, he takes his first step. I'm like oh my God. Shannon: Of course you knew that was going to happen, right? Hey well Jen, first of all I'm really glad you're listening. Secondly I really love your comments and thirdly, way to go! He's normal. Jennifer: Yeah, he's normal. Love your show. Bye.

Shannon: All right. Thanks for calling CFUN. Have a great day. Ok, thanks Jennifer. That's my sister in law, Jennifer. She married my baby brother. I love those people. We are talking about Judge William Ramsey and the seven year sentence yesterday and how this woman could actually stand by her man through court, through everything else. She continues to do it. I don't know, maybe it's about money but I think Jennifer made a good point. What are you actually saying to your kids? How do you excuse that kind of behavior? I think that this kind of behavior transcends the marriage contract. It's hard for me to respect a woman who would do this. 604-280-CFUN, *1410 on your cell, toll free it's 1-877-280-2386. Hey Nicole you're on CFUN. Nicole: Hi Shannon.

Shannon: Hey so ok so I go from my sister in law to my cousin's wife. I don't need to have a social life. Nicole: I'd listen to you even if you weren't related. Shannon: Ok, thanks, I appreciate that.

Nicole: I think that we should keep in mind that this man is sick and he's probably done a lot of mental abuse on his wife and I'll be you she's completely incapable of making decisions on her own. I think she's been lobotomized. Shannon: Could be.

Nicole: That's the only excuse because this guy is absolute scum of the earth and I'm just, the whole situation just sickens me. Shannon: So, do you feel sorry for her? Do you think she deserves some compassion?

Nicole: Yeah, I think I think so. I bet you she has been mentally and emotionally and possibly physically abused for her entire marriage.

Shannon: Yeah, well we don't know any of that for a fact but,.. Nicole: No but it's, I 'mean, take a guess. The guy is that much of a creep; do you think he's just sweet as pumpkin pie to his wife when he gets home at the end of the day? Shannon: Yeah, you know, I don't know. I've never been with a man like that but I couldn't believe when I saw yesterday and there she is. I was thinking God, what must that be like to be inside her right now as all of this is happening? It just would be, it would be unbearable to me and you know I'm kind of with Jennifer and it transcends the marriage contract. Nicole, great to hear from you. Have a great day. 604-280-CFUN. Hey Doreen you're on CFUN. Doreen: Oh hi.

Shannon: Hi.

Doreen: Actually I was going to say just what the last caller said. I think that the judge is a very, very controlling man. I think he probably does controls his wife and you know perhaps he does at least mentally abuse her if not physically and I think that maybe she's there and she's doing what she has to do to pacify him. Maybe she doesn't even agree with what she's doing but she's doing it simply because of his controlling nature. Shannon: I guess it's a possibility. I don't know. I just, at some point you just have to pull the plug and say this is not acceptable to me as a woman, as your wife, as the mother of your daughter, as anything else and I appreciate your comments this morning Doreen, and no Doreen is not related to me. 604-280-CFUN, Hey Kate, you're on CFUN. Kate: Hi Shannon.

Shannon: Hi.

Kate: I'm not related to you either but I'd like to be. Shannon: Thank you for that.

Kate: First of all, Shannon: By the way Kate, I have two sons so you could actually be. Ok go on, I'm sorry. Kate: You can't call this guy a man because he is no form of a man. He is just a scum bag. To take advantage of you know people that are already in a trying situation, there's nothing worse. I'm almost speechless I'm so angry about this guy. His wife I'm sure has been abused mentally, possibly physically. He's a bully I would say so he's probably been bullying her all her life but she has free will. She makes a choice each and every day to stay with him.

Shannon: Right.

Kate: And I think she is just like, I mean she's got to be smoking crack or something. I just cannot fathom.

Shannon: Yeah, I can't fathom it either and you're right. I think a lot of people, you have to wonder what kind of a life she's had, certainly the behavior that he has admitted to that he's going to jail for would indicate he's got a character flaw. How far does that extend into his personal life? I don't know. It does boggle the mind that a woman would stay with a man who's capable of this kind of crime.

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Shannon: Probably not a very great day if you were at Judge David Williams Ramsey, who was sentenced yesterday to seven years in jail for sexual assaults that he admitted to on four aboriginal girls. He basically, I mean, it's a very grim story. I don't like to name call or anything but the guy admitted to some pretty horrible behavior when he was a Judge. He would pick up girls that were in his courtroom, sometimes as young as 12, pay them for sex, well, sometimes he didn't even pay them. He raped and beat these girls, threatened them if they wanted to use a condom. He blames his actions on a significant character flaw, made an apology yesterday and here's the thing that really stood out for me. I mean we've all been hearing about this. It's a horrible story, he resigned from the bench in the year 2002 after the social workers basically started asking around to see how many girls he'd been with and abused in this way. So, he resigned from the bench. He was in court yesterday with his wife holding his hand. It's just blows me away. I don't understand how a woman could go through something like this with her husband to know that he is capable of those kinds of things and then to be standing there supporting him when he's in court. I just don't get it. I'm not sure what that says about me, not sure what it says about her. One of the young girls in the news room said oh I think it shows a sign of strength, but women who stand by these men who are guilty of these horrendous crimes, I think, are, I don't know. I mean, what is this? Is there sort of an unwritten code that we're supposed to stand by our man at all costs? It's like Dar Heatherington's husband, standing by Dar. Like what? I don't get it. Perhaps my commitment to marriage is questionable, perhaps I'm vindictive and hateful but I just don't get how she could be standing in this courtroom beside this guy who's done these things. She's a victim too and maybe that's part of it. Anyway, I'd love to hear from you this morning if you noticed the same thing and had the same thoughts, like what is going on there that she would, what must that be like to be married to a guy like that and to be going through this? How could you stand there? Perhaps she is incredibly brave, I don't know. I'm thinking she's, there's something wrong there. Anyway, here's our number, 604-280-2386, on your cell it's *1410, toll free 1-877-280-2386. I'd love it if somebody could explain it to me. I see her as a victim and wow, it's like I just don't understand it. Rick you're on CFUN.

Rick: Shannon I'd like to make a couple of points before I forget them and then I'll tell you my comments.

Shannon: Ok.

Rick: I'm just going to give them to you in the order that I'm thinking about them. He only apologized a couple of hours before he was sentenced. He had five charges that were dropped that didn't come forward. He's got four kids and he only told them about it just before he made his plea bargain.

Shannon: I thought he just has one kid, a daughter.

Rick: No, from what I read in the paper, I don't know if it was yesterday or the day before, I thought there was four. I could be mistaken. He transferred the house to his wife for one dollar in 2002 again, just before he made his plea bargain.

Shannon: Right.

Rick: So, she's trying, ok, just a minute. He was convicted of the sex charges, what about abuse of judicial powers? Does he walk on all that stuff?

Shannon: Yeah. I guess.

Rick: He can be sued for what he did by them, by the victims and so he's circling his wagons to protect his assets which is what she's doing too. And the other thing is he got a seven year sentence but I believe he's only going to serve three. The other comment is I believe that what he did is worse than murder because these people are going to have to live with this for the rest of their life whereas a murder victim, it's a one shot deal.

Shannon: Yeah.

Rick: And, my personal belief is she doesn't care about anything but her financial end of it because she's standing behind him trying to make him look good to minimize any possible financial impact.

Shannon: Yeah, and I think it's you Rick who said to me a bunch of times, follow the money. Follow the money, that'll always be the answer.

Rick: Yeah, and I think that's what's happening here. If she doesn't stand behind him, I really hope that they sue him and they can show that he is trying to avoid these things and they can take him for everything they can and get these young girls all the help they can get because they are going to need it. You know, in this business of blaming them to be prostitutes and that, I don't see it. He had all this personal information and stuff like that, then he just played games with them.

Shannon: Yeah. And you know, I don't think that, I don't know how you can do that kind of thing and sort of walk around with, I don't know if he has a clear conscience or not but I just don't know how you can do that kind of thing at all. I can't fathom it and I can't fathom her, the wife, first of all not having some clue as to what's going on and secondly, you might be right Rick and I guess it's kind of jaded to feel that way but it's probably about protecting the family assets. I don't know, I mean obviously the family reputation is in the toilet but the whole stand by your man, I'd have been out of there, money or not faster than you can say boo if my husband had pled guilty to these assault charges. It's just horrendous to me and I guess I just don't understand. Maybe it is the money, but I just don't understand that mentality of stand by your man at all cost. I guess it happens in the reverse sometimes as well but I think there are certain situations that you don't stand by your man. When he's done something like this I think it says something. Something is wrong with that woman that she'd be doing this. 604-280-CFUN, *1410 on your cell, toll free 1-877-280-2386. Hey Carol, you're on CFUN.

Carol: Hi. When I saw that on TV yesterday that's the very first thing that came to my mind.

Shannon: Yeah, me too.

Carol: And, I thought oh my God, what's the matter with you? Her family should have her have her head examined.

Shannon: Yeah.

Carol: And, she should put him on the chopping block and get away from him. That's terrible. What's the matter with her?

Shannon: Well that's what I'm thinking too.

Carol: Money or no money. You know? He's going to go to jail, he's going to die. Just like that other guy.

Shannon: Yeah, I wonder if someone will take care of him in jail.

Carol: That Father Gagen They took care of him. She's going to end up with the money anyway.

Shannon: Yeah. I don't know.

Carol: I've been horrified. I'm just disgusted by her.

Shannon: Yeah. Well you've got to wonder like I don't know, on the one hand you sort of look and you say she's a victim too. She's married to the guy and she's been put through this and her family has been put through this whether he has one kid or four, I thought he had one.

Carol: I thought he had one too.

Shannon: A grown daughter. I don't know that it doesn't really matter. All I know is that there are victims beyond the girls that he has assaulted and she's probably one of them. On the other hand, what strange psychological condition would it be that would make you feel like it was important to stand by your man through something like this? Like it's not like he stole $150 from work or anything like that. This is sick behavior.

Carol: And she's sick.

Shannon: Well you'd have to think that.

Carol: That's how I think anyway.

Shannon: Either that or.

Carol: If I'm wrong well I'm wrong but oh boy, I just think it's disgusting.

Shannon: Yeah, I'm with you Carol and I appreciate the call this morning. Maybe it is about money. I don't know, perhaps they are just protecting their assets. Maybe it's about a commitment to marriage. I mean I guess it's through sickness and health and maybe this is some kind of a sickness. He's saying there is a character flaw. This is the Judge William Ramsey who was sentenced yesterday to seven years in prison. A character flaw, is that sickness? Does the marriage contract cover this kind of thing? Do you think it's reasonable to expect that your wife would stand by you if you'd been through something like this? I guess that's what I'd like to know.

I think there are certain crimes, there are certain things that you can do that I guess transcend the marriage contract and this in my mind, would be part of that. I just don't understand how a woman would hang in with a guy who would do this. It's just to me, unfathomable. 604-280-CFUN, *1410 on your cell, toll free 1-877-280-2386. Just a reminder of how he was actually caught. He picked up a 16 year old girl in 1999, raped her, beat her, called her a whore. Three years later she entered rehab, cleaned up her life and was trying to regain custody of her son in court and he was the judge. She regained custody but recognized him, ran outside, told the social workers tearfully and they pursued action against him. Of course, found, it swelled and found several other girls who had been through the same kind of thing. Unbelievable. Jennifer you're on CFUN.

Jennifer: Hi Shannon.

Shannon: Hi.

Jennifer: It's your sister in law.

Shannon: Oh hey, how are you doing?

Jennifer: Good.

Shannon: Hey how's my God boy?

Jennifer: He's good. He took his first steps today.

Shannon: No.

Jennifer: That's not the reason I'm calling.

Shannon: Ok, but that is so exciting because you know all the listeners know about the God son. He actually walked today? Did he ever crawl?

Jennifer: Yes he did.

Shannon: Oh come on.

Jennifer: I'm not kidding.

Shannon: That is big news.

Jennifer: I know you didn't think he was that developed.

Shannon: Well we've always questioned whether he had both oars in the water but you know given the fact that you're his mother we had hope.

Jennifer: Ok.

Shannon: Ok, go.

Jennifer: No my comment, I'm listening to your show which I know you say I never do anyway so, but my comment is like you know in that situation too I think what do parents think that message sends to their children especially her daughter? What is that saying about the way that she is supposed to view relationships and she's supposed to view men? What's acceptable and what's not? I mean she has the biggest duty, responsibility, maybe I'm a mother and I'm saying this but to her children. I think you don't stand by a man who's done something like that to other women especially when you have a daughter.

Shannon: I agree with you and I have to wonder, I think this does transcend the marriage contract. I mean I know sickness and health and all the rest of that stuff but it does send a pretty, I think that the message socially that you send by doing something like that is so negative that the marriage contract be damned.

Jennifer: Oh yeah. Like it's over. I'm sorry you just can't get past that.

Shannon: It must be about the money thing I think but even so you have to be I think a bigger person and actually take a stand on an issue like this. If you know, if the guy has actually admitted it, I don't know how you can ever get to a place where there's forgiveness for that kind of behavior and perhaps I'm just you know...

Jennifer: Or trust? How do you know that that's not going to happen again? I mean there's something in somebody's character that makes them able to do something like that.

Shannon: Yeah. Ok, now back to the God boy. So he took his first steps. Where was he?

Jennifer: You know what the sad part is? Everybody's going to think I'm a horrible mother for this. I just started a nanny because I'm doing some contract work.

Shannon: Yeah.

Jennifer: So I'm on my way to a meeting and that's why I'm listening to you in the car. So she comes down and says to me as I'm leaving the door oh do you know that he's walking? I said, no and she said oh yeah, he takes his first step. I'm like oh my God.

Shannon: Of course you knew that was going to happen, right? Hey well Jen, first of all I'm really glad you're listening. Secondly I really love your comments and thirdly, way to go! He's normal.

Jennifer: Yeah, he's normal. Love your show. Bye.

Shannon: All right. Thanks for calling CFUN. Have a great day. Ok, thanks Jennifer. That's my sister in law, Jennifer. She married my baby brother. I love those people. We are talking about Judge William Ramsey and the seven year sentence yesterday and how this woman could actually stand by her man through court, through everything else. She continues to do it. I don't know, maybe it's about money but I think Jennifer made a good point. What are you actually saying to your kids? How do you excuse that kind of behavior? I think that this kind of behavior transcends the marriage contract. It's hard for me to respect a woman who would do this. 604-280-CFUN, *1410 on your cell, toll free it's 1-877-280-2386. Hey Nicole you're on CFUN.

Nicole: Hi Shannon.

Shannon: Hey so ok so I go from my sister in law to my cousin's wife. I don't need to have a social life.

Nicole: I'd listen to you even if you weren't related.

Shannon: Ok, thanks, I appreciate that.

Nicole: I think that we should keep in mind that this man is sick and he's probably done a lot of mental abuse on his wife and I'll be you she's completely incapable of making decisions on her own. I think she's been lobotomized.

Shannon: Could be.

Nicole: That's the only excuse because this guy is absolute scum of the earth and I'm just, the whole situation just sickens me.

Shannon: So, do you feel sorry for her? Do you think she deserves some compassion?

Nicole: Yeah, I think I think so. I bet you she has been mentally and emotionally and possibly physically abused for her entire marriage.

Shannon: Yeah, well we don't know any of that for a fact but,..

Nicole: No but it's, I 'mean, take a guess. The guy is that much of a creep; do you think he's just sweet as pumpkin pie to his wife when he gets home at the end of the day?

Shannon: Yeah, you know, I don't know. I've never been with a man like that but I couldn't believe when I saw yesterday and there she is. I was thinking God, what must that be like to be inside her right now as all of this is happening? It just would be, it would be unbearable to me and you know I'm kind of with Jennifer and it transcends the marriage contract. Nicole, great to hear from you. Have a great day. 604-280-CFUN. Hey Doreen you're on CFUN.

Doreen: Oh hi.

Shannon: Hi.

Doreen: Actually I was going to say just what the last caller said. I think that the judge is a very, very controlling man. I think he probably does controls his wife and you know perhaps he does at least mentally abuse her if not physically and I think that maybe she's there and she's doing what she has to do to pacify him. Maybe she doesn't even agree with what she's doing but she's doing it simply because of his controlling nature.

Shannon: I guess it's a possibility. I don't know. I just, at some point you just have to pull the plug and say this is not acceptable to me as a woman, as your wife, as the mother of your daughter, as anything else and I appreciate your comments this morning Doreen, and no Doreen is not related to me. 604-280-CFUN, Hey Kate, you're on CFUN.

Kate: Hi Shannon.

Shannon: Hi.

Kate: I'm not related to you either but I'd like to be.

Shannon: Thank you for that.

Kate: First of all,

Shannon: By the way Kate, I have two sons so you could actually be. Ok go on, I'm sorry.

Kate: You can't call this guy a man because he is no form of a man. He is just a scum bag. To take advantage of you know people that are already in a trying situation, there's nothing worse. I'm almost speechless I'm so angry about this guy. His wife I'm sure has been abused mentally, possibly physically. He's a bully I would say so he's probably been bullying her all her life but she has free will. She makes a choice each and every day to stay with him.

Shannon: Right.

Kate: And I think she is just like, I mean she's got to be smoking crack or something. I just cannot fathom.

Shannon: Yeah, I can't fathom it either and you're right. I think a lot of people, you have to wonder what kind of a life she's had, certainly the behavior that he has admitted to that he's going to jail for would indicate he's got a character flaw. How far does that extend into his personal life? I don't know. It does boggle the mind that a woman would stay with a man who's capable of this kind of crime.