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VOA Word Book, W-1

wages [money received for work done] Jack receives his wages every Friday.

wait [(1) to delay acting; (2) to postpone] Wait for me. (1) We will wait until next Tuesday to discuss the problem. (2) walk [to move by putting one foot in front of the other] She walks two miles every day. wall [(1) the side of a room or building formed by wood, stone or other material; (2) a structure sometimes used to separate areas of land] He has many pictures on his wall. (1) China built the Great Wall to protect against enemy invasions. (2) want [(1) to desire; (2) to wish for; (3) to need] He wants to see her more often. (1) She wants to win a lot of money in the lottery. (2) They want to eat now. (3) war [fighting between nations, or groups in a nation, using weapons] The world's last major war, World War II, ended in 1945. warm [(1) almost hot; (2) having or feeling some heat] My coffee is warm instead of hot. (1) She likes to sit outside in the warm sunlight. (2) warn [(1) to tell of possible danger; (2) to advise or inform about something bad that may happen] A weather radio warns of dangerous storms. (1) The President warned that the country may be entering an economic recession. (2) wash [to make clean, usually with water] Tommy says that he will wash the car today. waste [(1) to spend or use without need or care; (2) to make bad use of; (3) a spending of money, time or effort with no value gained or returned; (4) something thrown away as having no value; (5) the liquid and solid substances that result from body processes and are passed out of the body] Do not waste your money by buying video games. (1) He wasted his life by using drugs and alcohol. (2) Watching television is a waste of time. (3) Chemical wastes pollute our water supplies. (4) How do astronauts deal with the problem of wastes from their bodies? (5) watch [(1) to look at; (2) to observe closely; (3) to look and wait for] Did you watch the football game on television? (1) Watch every move he makes. (2) I will watch for her train to arrive. (3) water [the liquid that falls from the sky as rain or is found in lakes, rivers and oceans] May I have some water, please? wave [(1) to move or cause to move one way and the other, as a flag in the wind; (2) to signal by moving the hand one way and the other; (3) a large mass of water that forms and moves on the surface of a lake or ocean] The flag is waving in the wind. (1) She waved at me. (2) The waves are especially large today. (3) way [(1) a path on land or sea or in the air; (2) how something is done; (3) method] This trail is the way to our camp. (1) She says I should drive the way that she does. (2) Show me the way to hit the ball. (3) we [two or more people, including the speaker or writer] He and I will go together, and we will return together. weak [(1) having little power; (2) easily broken, damaged or destroyed; (3) opposite strong] He was weak from hunger. (1) We are worried about crossing the weak bridge. (2) You need a strong rope, not a weak one, to tie the boat to the tree. (3) wealth [a large amount of possessions, money or other things of value] His wealth comes from his rich grandfather. weapon [anything used to cause injury or to kill during an attack, fight or war] Police could not find the weapon used in the murder.

wear [to have on the body, as clothes] What will you wear to the party?

weather [the condition of the atmosphere resulting from sun, wind, rain, heat or cold] We will have more cold weather tomorrow.

week [a period of time equal to seven days] She will be gone for two weeks.

weigh [to measure how heavy someone or something is] The ticket agent will weigh your bag at the airport.

welcome [to express happiness or pleasure when someone arrives or something develops] We welcomed the sun after a week of rain.

well [(1) in a way that is good or pleasing; (2) in good health; (3) a hole in the ground where water, gas or oil can be found] She is doing well at school. (1) He was sick, but he is well now. (2) We may see more oil wells in Alaska soon. (3) west [the direction in which the sun goes down] They live in a town 50 miles west of Chicago. wet [(1) covered with water or other liquid; (2) not dry] It rained just enough to make the streets wet. (1) My clothing got wet in the rain. (2) what [(1) used to ask about something or to ask for information about ; (2) which or which kind] What is this? (1) He wants to know what you would like to drink. (2) wheat [(1) a grain used to make bread; (2) the plant that produces the grain] We like bread made from whole wheat. (1) The farmer grows wheat in most of his fields. (2) wheel [a round structure that turns around a center] The wheel on his bicycle came off. when [(1) at what time; (2) at any time; (3) during or at the time] When does the train leave? (1) When will she come home? (2) I studied hard when I was in school. (3) where [(1) at, to or in what place; (2) place in which] Where is his house? (1) The house where he lives is in the old part of the city. (2) which [used to ask about what one or what ones of a group of things or people] Which program do you like best? (1) Which students will take the test? (2) while [(1) a space of time; (2) at or during the same time] Please come to my house for a while. (1) It may not be a good idea to eat while you are driving. (2) white [having the color like that of milk or snow] She calls her cat Snowball because it is white. who [(1) what or which person or persons that; (2) the person or persons] Who wants to go? (1) They are the ones who want to go. (2) whole [(1) the complete amount; (2) all together; (3) not divided; (4) not cut into pieces] He paid the whole cost of the dinner. (1) The whole group is invited. (2) The whole country celebrates Independence Day. (3) The boy ate the whole cake. (4) why [(1) for what cause or reason; (2) the reason for which] Why did she do it? (1) I do not know why she did it. (2) wide [(1) having a great distance from one side to the other; (2) not limited] The flood covered a wide area along the river. (1) The new store offered a wide choice of products. (2) wife [a woman who is married] His wife works at home. wild [(1) living and growing in natural conditions and not organized or supervised by humans; (2) angry; (3) uncontrolled] Many kinds of wild animals live in America's National Forests. (1) The man was wild with anger. (2) Police broke up the wild party. (3)

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[money received for work done]
Jack receives his wages every Friday.

[(1) to delay acting; (2) to postpone]
Wait for me. (1)
We will wait until next Tuesday to discuss the problem. (2)

[to move by putting one foot in front of the other]
She walks two miles every day.

[(1) the side of a room or building formed by wood, stone or other material; (2) a structure sometimes used to separate areas of land]
He has many pictures on his wall. (1)
China built the Great Wall to protect against enemy invasions. (2)

[(1) to desire; (2) to wish for; (3) to need]
He wants to see her more often. (1)
She wants to win a lot of money in the lottery. (2)
They want to eat now. (3)

[fighting between nations, or groups in a nation, using weapons]
The world's last major war, World War II, ended in 1945.

[(1) almost hot; (2) having or feeling some heat]
My coffee is warm instead of hot. (1)
She likes to sit outside in the warm sunlight. (2)

[(1) to tell of possible danger; (2) to advise or inform about something bad that may happen]
A weather radio warns of dangerous storms. (1)
The President warned that the country may be entering an economic recession. (2)

[to make clean, usually with water]
Tommy says that he will wash the car today.

[(1) to spend or use without need or care; (2) to make bad use of; (3) a spending of money, time or effort with no value gained or returned; (4) something thrown away as having no value; (5) the liquid and solid substances that result from body processes and are passed out of the body]
Do not waste your money by buying video games. (1)
He wasted his life by using drugs and alcohol. (2)
Watching television is a waste of time. (3)
Chemical wastes pollute our water supplies. (4)
How do astronauts deal with the problem of wastes from their bodies? (5)

[(1) to look at; (2) to observe closely; (3) to look and wait for]
Did you watch the football game on television? (1)
Watch every move he makes. (2)
I will watch for her train to arrive. (3)

[the liquid that falls from the sky as rain or is found in lakes, rivers and oceans]
May I have some water, please?

[(1) to move or cause to move one way and the other, as a flag in the wind; (2) to signal by moving the hand one way and the other; (3) a large mass of water that forms and moves on the surface of a lake or ocean]
The flag is waving in the wind. (1)
She waved at me. (2)
The waves are especially large today. (3)

[(1) a path on land or sea or in the air; (2) how something is done; (3) method]
This trail is the way to our camp. (1)
She says I should drive the way that she does. (2)
Show me the way to hit the ball. (3)

[two or more people, including the speaker or writer]
He and I will go together, and we will return together.

[(1) having little power; (2) easily broken, damaged or destroyed; (3) opposite strong]
He was weak from hunger. (1)
We are worried about crossing the weak bridge. (2)
You need a strong rope, not a weak one, to tie the boat to the tree. (3)

[a large amount of possessions, money or other things of value]
His wealth comes from his rich grandfather.

[anything used to cause injury or to kill during an attack, fight or war]
Police could not find the weapon used in the murder.

[to have on the body, as clothes]
What will you wear to the party?

[the condition of the atmosphere resulting from sun, wind, rain, heat or cold]
We will have more cold weather tomorrow.

[a period of time equal to seven days]
She will be gone for two weeks.

[to measure how heavy someone or something is]
The ticket agent will weigh your bag at the airport.

[to express happiness or pleasure when someone arrives or something develops]
We welcomed the sun after a week of rain.

[(1) in a way that is good or pleasing; (2) in good health; (3) a hole in the ground where water, gas or oil can be found]
She is doing well at school. (1)
He was sick, but he is well now. (2)
We may see more oil wells in Alaska soon. (3)

[the direction in which the sun goes down]
They live in a town 50 miles west of Chicago.

[(1) covered with water or other liquid; (2) not dry]
It rained just enough to make the streets wet. (1)
My clothing got wet in the rain. (2)

[(1) used to ask about something or to ask for information about ; (2) which or which kind]
What is this? (1)
He wants to know what you would like to drink. (2)

[(1) a grain used to make bread; (2) the plant that produces the grain]
We like bread made from whole wheat. (1)
The farmer grows wheat in most of his fields. (2)

[a round structure that turns around a center]
The wheel on his bicycle came off.

[(1) at what time; (2) at any time; (3) during or at the time]
When does the train leave? (1)
When will she come home? (2)
I studied hard when I was in school. (3)

[(1) at, to or in what place; (2) place in which]
Where is his house? (1)
The house where he lives is in the old part of the city. (2)

[used to ask about what one or what ones of a group of things or people]
Which program do you like best?  (1)
Which students will take the test?  (2)

[(1) a space of time; (2) at or during the same time]
Please come to my house for a while. (1)
It may not be a good idea to eat while you are driving. (2) 

[having the color like that of milk or snow]
She calls her cat Snowball because it is white.

[(1) what or which person or persons that; (2) the person or persons]
Who wants to go? (1)
They are the ones who want to go. (2)

[(1) the complete amount; (2) all together; (3) not divided; (4) not cut into pieces]
He paid the whole cost of the dinner. (1)
The whole group is invited. (2)
The whole country celebrates Independence Day. (3)
The boy ate the whole cake. (4)

[(1) for what cause or reason; (2) the reason for which]
Why did she do it? (1)
I do not know why she did it. (2)

[(1) having a great distance from one side to the other; (2) not limited]
The flood covered a wide area along the river. (1)
The new store offered a wide choice of products. (2)

[a woman who is married]
His wife works at home.

[(1) living and growing in natural conditions and not organized or supervised by humans; (2) angry; (3) uncontrolled]
Many kinds of wild animals live in America's National Forests. (1)
The man was wild with anger. (2)
Police broke up the wild party. (3)