
Zamir, bir ismin yerini alan bir kelimedir. İşte İngilizce dilindeki farklı zamir türleri.

Özne Zamirleri

Özne zamirleri cümlenin öznesi olan ismin yerini alır.

He would like to sit down.

They are not happy with their meal.

That building is so big it blocks the sun.

She hadn't thought about how many people would be coming to dinner.

We would like to sit at a window table.

Nesne Zamirleri

Nesne zamirleri cümlenin nesnesi olan ismin yerini alır.

Come with us to the movies.

Take her to the hospital if she is sick

Amelia won't bring it home.

Your friend wants to play with you.

Tell him I said no thank you.

İyelik Zamirleri

İyelik zamirleri, bir cümlenin öznesi ya da nesnesi olarak isimlerin yerini alır.

That bike is not hers.

His one is not the same.

Theirs is the green one.

That’s mine!

The red house is ours.

Dönüşlülük Zamirleri

Dönüşlülük zamirleri, cümlenin öznesi cümledeki fiilin nesnesiyle aynı olduğunda kullanılır.

She hurt herselfplaying tennis.

They can cook for themselves this weekend

He blamed himself for the accident.

You can show yourself out.

Vurgu Zamirleri

Bu zamirler özneyi vurgular. Bir vurgu zamiri, dönüşlülük zamirinden farklıdır çünkü cümlenin anlamını değiştirmeden kaldırılabilir.

The President himself ordered them to stop.

The event itself went really well.

The lawyers themselves couldn't even figure it out.

We would love to make all of the arrangements ourselves.

Belgisiz Zamirler

Belgisiz zamirler belirli bir kişiye, miktara veya şeye atıfta bulunmaz. Cümle içinde isimlerin olduğu aynı konuma yerleştirilirler.

Everyone He told everyone to take out their pens.
Everybody Everybody needs to take a holiday once in a while.
Everywhere They looked everywhere for the lost cat.
Everything I did everything I could but it was no good.
Someone Is there someone who can help me?
Somebody Somebody. left their bag behind.
Somewhere Let’s go somewhere fun on the weekend.
Something He dropped something on his way out.
Anyone Anyone can learn a new language with LingQ
Anybody Does anybody here know first aid?
Someone Is there someone who can help me?
Somebody Somebody. left their bag behind.
Somewhere Let’s go somewhere fun on the weekend.
Something He dropped something on his way out.
Anyone Anyone can learn a new language with LingQ.
Anybody Does anybody here know first aid?
Anywhere Don’t go anywhere, I’ll be right back.
Anything Do you have anything you want to say to me?
No one Sorry, no one here is interested.
Nobody Nobody wants to eat here, let’s go somewhere else.
Nowhere I have nowhere to go.
Nothing There is nothing to do here, it's so boring.


Belgisiz zamirleri "every", "some" ve "any" kelimeleriyle birlikte kullandığımızda sorular oluşur. Bu soruların cevabı genellikle "evet" veya "hayır"dır.

Did everyone eat already?

Have you done anything interesting today?

Has he been everywhere he needed to go?

Olumsuz Sorular

Bu sorular aşağıdaki yapı kullanılarak olumsuz hale getirilebilir. Bu sorulara beklenen cevap "hayır"dır.

Didn’t everyone eat already?

Haven’t you done anything interesting today?

Hasn’t he been everywhere he needed to go?

Belgisiz zamir "some" ile sorulan sorular aşağıdaki şekilde olumsuz hale getirilebilir. Bu tür sorularda beklenen cevap "evet"tir.

Aren’t you looking for something like this?

Don’t I know you from somewhere?

Shouldn’t somebody be watching the children?

Wouldn’t someone like to try these cakes?