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Improve Your English Skills by Writing, Part 2

Part 2

At LingQ, when you have your writing corrected and returned to you, you have an opportunity to import this corrected writing into your WorkDesk. In some cases the native speaker tutor who corrected your writing has recorded this corrected writing. You now have an opportunity to study what you wanted to express, and how it should be expressed in English. If there are words that you used incorrectly, save them. Saving them will create example sentences for you in LingQ. Study these examples to help yourself to get used to the correct usage of these words in different contexts. You will gradually develop a natural confidence in using them.

Let your reading and listening build up your language power. When you study the content items for the first time you naturally focus on meaning. But when you listen and read for the second and third time you need to train yourself to focus on the words and phrases and how they are used. You need to learn to imitate this usage, without thinking too much about rules of grammar. Let the usage become natural to you, as you listen to it and read over and over again, day after day!

Academic and Professional English Even before you have fully mastered the basic words and phrases of English, you will also need to acquire a lot of words that are not used so frequently in spoken English. Professor Paul Nation of New Zealand has developed a list of 570 words that are frequently used in academic and professional reports. This is known as the Academic Word List.

As you progress at LingQ you will want to study the more academic or professional articles in LingQ Store, always concentrating on subjects that are interesting and familiar to you. You should also import content of interest from the Internet and other electronic text sources and learn words and phrases from these articles using LingQ's unique methodology. To learn more specialized vocabulary you will have to concentrate your reading on areas that are important to you. There are many excellent websites on specialized subjects. You can easily find them using Google. You may have your own sources. If you select articles in your field of academic or professional specialization, you will then be able to use LingQ to master the relevant specialized terminology and expressions, while you learn the essential concepts of these specialized fields.

I would recommend that you look up the many excellent articles on academic and business writing that you can find on the Internet. Treat these articles as content that you want to study both for content and for the words and phrases that you find there. Use LingQ as a study platform to learn more about the specific practices of technical or academic writing while improving your English at the same time.

At LingQ we emphasize the correct usage of words and phrases. There are many words in English that are not used often, and are not technical and yet can be very effective in expressing abstract concepts. You will also need to learn these less common words. You should learn how to use these words to give your writing more power and elegance. As you progress in the language you need a richer vocabulary. LingQ helps you achieve this and measures your progress towards your goals.

Throughout your studies at LingQ, the system keeps track of the words and phrases you are learning. You set your goals and the system measures your progress towards these goals. These statistics not only help you, but also enable your on line tutor to follow your progress and send you timely reports and advice. We will, in the future, also measure the vocabulary richness of your writing submissions.

If you are reading content that contains new words, it is better to avoid relying on a conventional dictionary. You have thousands of words to learn. They are all easy to forget if you do not see them often. You cannot possibly look them all up in a dictionary over and over again. It takes too long. You are best to take advantage of LingQ's vocabulary learning technology to quickly see the meanings of new words and to save them into a database for systematic study. This will increase the speed of your learning. What is more it will help create the intensity that all language learners need to attain in order to make a breakthrough.

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Part 2

At LingQ, when you have your writing corrected and returned to you, you have an opportunity to import this corrected writing into your WorkDesk. In some cases the native speaker tutor who corrected your writing has recorded this corrected writing. You now have an opportunity to study what you wanted to express, and how it should be expressed in English. If there are words that you used incorrectly, save them. Saving them will create example sentences for you in LingQ. Study these examples to help yourself to get used to the correct usage of these words in different contexts. You will gradually develop a natural confidence in using them.

Let your reading and listening build up your language power. When you study the content items for the first time you naturally focus on meaning. But when you listen and read for the second and third time you need to train yourself to focus on the words and phrases and how they are used. You need to learn to imitate this usage, without thinking too much about rules of grammar. Let the usage become natural to you, as you listen to it and read over and over again, day after day!

Academic and Professional English Even before you have fully mastered the basic words and phrases of English, you will also need to acquire a lot of words that are not used so frequently in spoken English. Professor Paul Nation of New Zealand has developed a list of 570 words that are frequently used in academic and professional reports. This is known as the Academic Word List.

As you progress at LingQ you will want to study the more academic or professional articles in LingQ Store, always concentrating on subjects that are interesting and familiar to you. You should also import content of interest from the Internet and other electronic text sources and learn words and phrases from these articles using LingQ's unique methodology. To learn more specialized vocabulary you will have to concentrate your reading on areas that are important to you. There are many excellent websites on specialized subjects. You can easily find them using Google. You may have your own sources. If you select articles in your field of academic or professional specialization, you will then be able to use LingQ to master the relevant specialized terminology and expressions, while you learn the essential concepts of these specialized fields.

I would recommend that you look up the many excellent articles on academic and business writing that you can find on the Internet. Treat these articles as content that you want to study both for content and for the words and phrases that you find there. Use LingQ as a study platform to learn more about the specific practices of technical or academic writing while improving your English at the same time.

At LingQ we emphasize the correct usage of words and phrases. There are many words in English that are not used often, and are not technical and yet can be very effective in expressing abstract concepts. You will also need to learn these less common words. You should learn how to use these words to give your writing more power and elegance. As you progress in the language you need a richer vocabulary. LingQ helps you achieve this and measures your progress towards your goals.

Throughout your studies at LingQ, the system keeps track of the words and phrases you are learning. You set your goals and the system measures your progress towards these goals. These statistics not only help you, but also enable your on line tutor to follow your progress and send you timely reports and advice. We will, in the future, also measure the vocabulary richness of your writing submissions.

If you are reading content that contains new words, it is better to avoid relying on a conventional dictionary. You have thousands of words to learn. They are all easy to forget if you do not see them often. You cannot possibly look them all up in a dictionary over and over again. It takes too long. You are best to take advantage of LingQ's vocabulary learning technology to quickly see the meanings of new words and to save them into a database for systematic study. This will increase the speed of your learning. What is more it will help create the intensity that all language learners need to attain in order to make a breakthrough.