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Festive Days Ahead!

Here we are already, in the final weeks of 2004, and the Christmas season is fast approaching! The storefronts have been ready for this since the Halloween decorations came down, and the streets in our community are slowly coming to life complete with wreaths, Christmas lights, and the odd mechanical reindeer on the front lawn.

I really love this time of year, I think it's fun to decorate the house and put a beautiful Christmas tree in front of our window. My kids are beside themselves waiting for the go ahead to dig their stockings out of the storage box and hang them from the fireplace. I'm happy to report that the idea of Santa is still alive and kicking in our house, although every year, I wonder when that magical spell will be broken. My oldest daughter is seven years old and came home from school last week reporting that a kid in her class, who doesn't celebrate Christmas, told everyone during lunch that "there's no such thing as Santa, reindeer can not fly, it's just your parents tricking you after you go to bed, it's actually them that fills your stocking and puts presents under the tree". We all sat aghast, listening to this story, my daughter's younger siblings with their eyes wide in disbelief as I carefully asked my daughter what she thought about what this boy at school had told her. With a laugh and big smile, she said, "well, he obviously has no idea what he's talking about, does he mom?" So we all agreed around the dinner table that night that we all believe in Santa Claus, and I wasn't lying when I told my family this. I do believe in Santa Claus. It's the idea of Santa that keeps a sense of innocence and goodness around us, and I'll keep that idea alive for as long as I can. Santa's a wonderful character that can inspire all of us into a little Christmas spirit if we try. Even if it's just dropping a couple of coins in the Salvation Army box at the mall, it's a great time of year to do something for someone else. Speaking of Christmas spirit, here's a recipe for homemade egg-nog to help get you in the mood. HAPPY HOLIDAYS!

Egg-Nog 6 Eggs 1 Cup Sugar 2 Cups milk 1 Cup Rum (optional) 1 tsp. vanilla 2 cups Cream Ground Nutmeg Beat eggs, gradually adding sugar. Beat until foamy. Stir in rum, milk, and vanilla. Beat cream separately until thickened slightly. Stir into rest of mixture. Serve cold. Sprinkle with nutmeg

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Here we are already, in the final weeks of 2004, and the Christmas season is fast approaching! The storefronts have been ready for this since the Halloween decorations came down, and the streets in our community are slowly coming to life complete with wreaths, Christmas lights, and the odd mechanical reindeer on the front lawn.

I really love this time of year, I think it's fun to decorate the house and put a beautiful Christmas tree in front of our window. My kids are beside themselves waiting for the go ahead to dig their stockings out of the storage box and hang them from the fireplace. I'm happy to report that the idea of Santa is still alive and kicking in our house, although every year, I wonder when that magical spell will be broken. My oldest daughter is seven years old and came home from school last week reporting that a kid in her class, who doesn't celebrate Christmas, told everyone during lunch that "there's no such thing as Santa, reindeer can not fly, it's just your parents tricking you after you go to bed, it's actually them that fills your stocking and puts presents under the tree". We all sat aghast, listening to this story, my daughter's younger siblings with their eyes wide in disbelief as I carefully asked my daughter what she thought about what this boy at school had told her. With a laugh and big smile, she said, "well, he obviously has no idea what he's talking about, does he mom?" So we all agreed around the dinner table that night that we all believe in Santa Claus, and I wasn't lying when I told my family this. I do believe in Santa Claus. It's the idea of Santa that keeps a sense of innocence and goodness around us, and I'll keep that idea alive for as long as I can. Santa's a wonderful character that can inspire all of us into a little Christmas spirit if we try. Even if it's just dropping a couple of coins in the Salvation Army box at the mall, it's a great time of year to do something for someone else.

Speaking of Christmas spirit, here's a recipe for homemade egg-nog to help get you in the mood. HAPPY HOLIDAYS!


6 Eggs 1 Cup Sugar 2 Cups milk 1 Cup Rum (optional) 1 tsp. vanilla 2 cups Cream Ground Nutmeg

Beat eggs, gradually adding sugar. Beat until foamy. Stir in rum, milk, and vanilla. Beat cream separately until thickened slightly. Stir into rest of mixture. Serve cold. Sprinkle with nutmeg