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Personals # 1

Personals # 1

I live in Japan, and I'm 24 years old. I 'm a violinist. I graduated from college 2 years ago.

Now, I often have little concerts or live performances in Tokyo. I also teach the violin and eurhythmics to children.

I tell you why I have to learn English.

I'm interested in contemporary music. I want to participate in contemporary musical workshops in Darmstadt, Germany, this summer, so I need to increase my vocabulary and speak English fluently in order to take lessons at the workshops. The course's languages are English and German. I can't speak German at all and this is why I have started to learn English. I have studied English for over 15 years, but I still think my English ability is not good enough. I can write and read quite well, but I fail in speaking and listening. Most of the time I have to concentrate very hard to understand what people are saying and I rarely express my opinion. I think that's why I can't learn English well, I'm scared that people will laugh at me. I found this website today after my friend told me about it, and I want to learn how it works and if it can help me to improve my English ability. I hope the 14-day trial is long enough for me to understand this system.

I am quite a chocolate lover, and cacao polyphenol is all the rage in healthy dieting right now in Japan.

Every time I go to the supermarket, I purchase boxes of chocolates. I go all the way there just to get these.

There are many kinds of good chocolates. These include a healthy chocolate that is 98% cacao, a quite sweet chocolate with cookies, and so on.

However, I do not like the varieties of healthy chocolates, because these are not sweet to the taste and they do not go with coffee. A little bit of sweet chocolate is the best.

I stock many kinds of boxes of chocolates, and eat all of them until there is nothing left.

I am afraid that I will become fat, but I cannot stop it.

It is necessary for women who are breastfeeding to take in many calories!

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Personals # 1

I live in Japan, and I'm 24 years old. I 'm a violinist. I graduated from college 2 years ago.

Now, I often have little concerts or live performances in Tokyo. I also teach the violin and eurhythmics to children.

I tell you why I have to learn English.

I'm interested in contemporary music. I want to participate in contemporary musical workshops in Darmstadt, Germany, this summer, so I need to increase my vocabulary and speak English fluently in order to take lessons at the workshops. The course's languages are English and German. I can't speak German at all and this is why I have started to learn English. I have studied English for over 15 years, but I still think my English ability is not good enough. I can write and read quite well, but I fail in speaking and listening. Most of the time I have to concentrate very hard to understand what people are saying and I rarely express my opinion. I think that's why I can't learn English well, I'm scared that people will laugh at me. I found this website today after my friend told me about it, and I want to learn how it works and if it can help me to improve my English ability. I hope the 14-day trial is long enough for me to understand this system.

I am quite a chocolate lover, and cacao polyphenol is all the rage in healthy dieting right now in Japan.

Every time I go to the supermarket, I purchase boxes of chocolates. I go all the way there just to get these.

There are many kinds of good chocolates. These include a healthy chocolate that is 98% cacao, a quite sweet chocolate with cookies, and so on.

However, I do not like the varieties of healthy chocolates, because these are not sweet to the taste and they do not go with coffee. A little bit of sweet chocolate is the best.

I stock many kinds of boxes of chocolates, and eat all of them until there is nothing left.

I am afraid that I will become fat, but I cannot stop it.

It is necessary for women who are breastfeeding to take in many calories!