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VOA Word Book, P

pain [a hurt or suffering somewhere in the body] The injury caused him great pain.

paint [(1) to cover with a liquid color; (2) to make a picture with liquid colors; (3) a colored liquid used to cover or protect a surface] He will paint his house next week. (1) She painted this picture when she was young. (2) How much paint will you need to paint your house? (3) pan [a metal container used for cooking] Cook your food in this pan. paper [a thin, flat material made from plants or cloth often used for writing] I use a lot of paper for my schoolwork.

parachute [a device that permits a person or thing to fall slowly from an airplane or helicopter to the ground] He jumps from an airplane and his parachute lets him fall slowly to the ground.

parade [a group of people and vehicles moving together to celebrate a special event or anniversary] She took the children to watch the Independence Day parade.

pardon [to forgive for a crime and release from punishment] Presidents can pardon criminals.

parent [a father or mother] Her parents will be here later.

parliament [a government lawmaking group] The government ended parliament and called new elections.

part [(1) something less than the whole; (2) not all of something] I spend part of today planning what I will do tomorrow. (1) Only a small part of this land belongs to me. (2) party [(1) a group of people working together for a political purpose; (2) a group of people or friends gathered together for enjoyment] She raises money for the Democratic Party. (1) Bill has invited everyone to a party at his house. (2) pass [(1) to go by or move around something; (2) to move along; (3) to cause or permit to go] You can pass the car in front of us. (1) The hours passed slowly as he waited to leave. (2) The guard passed him through the gate. (3) passenger [a person traveling by airplane, train, boat or car who is not the pilot or driver] All passengers and the crew of the airplane survived the emergency landing. passport [a document permitting a person to travel to another country] She was arrested for traveling with a false passport.

past [(1) the time gone by; (2) the time before; (3) recent; (4) immediately before; (5) former] He would like to forget the past. (1) The records showed the patient had no medical problems in his recent past. (2) She has not been here for the past few days. (3) He is the past president of our organization. (4) He is a past president of our organization. (5) path [(1) a narrow way for walking; (2) a way along which something moves] We walked along the path together. (1) He watched the path of the arrow all the way to the target. (2) patient [a person being treated by a doctor for a health problem] The doctors examined the patient carefully. pay [to give money for work done or for something bought] She paid a lot of money for her clothes.

peace [(1) the condition of freedom from war, fighting or noise; (2) rest; (3) quiet] We have been at peace for almost ten years. (1) He was sleeping, at peace with the world. (2) A shout broke the peace of the early morning. (3) people [(1) any group of persons; (2) all the persons of a group, race, religion or nation] A large crowd of people welcomed the Pope to St. Louis. (1) The American people are a mix of the world's people. (2) percent [a part of every hundred] Ten is ten percent of one hundred. perfect [(1) complete or correct in every way; (2) completely right or good; (3) without mistakes] It was a perfect performance. (1) Today is a perfect day. (2) She had a perfect score on the test. (3) perform [to speak, dance or sing in front of others] She performed perfectly. period [an amount of time within events, restrictions or conditions] The child went through a period of intense growth.

permanent [(1) never changing; (2) lasting for a very long time or for all time] Please tell me your permanent address. (1) Astronauts left an American flag on the moon as a permanent memorial. (2) permit [(1) to let; (2) to make possible] Her parents permit her to work. (1) The wider doors and raised walkway permit people in wheelchairs to use the building. (2) person [a man, woman or child] She is a good person to know. physical [of the body] Physical exercise helps keep him healthy.

physics [the study of motion, matter and energy] Studying physics takes a lot of time.

picture [(1) an idea or representation of something as seen by the eye; (2) a painting; (3) what is made with a camera] She drew a picture of him from memory. (1) The picture of her was painted many years ago. (2) My camera takes good pictures. (3) piece [a part of something larger] Please have a piece of my birthday cake. pig [a farm animal used for its meat] He raises pigs on his farm.

pilot [one who guides or flies an airplane or helicopter] The pilot landed the airplane on a road.

pipe [a long, round piece of material used to move liquid or gas] The pipe moves oil from Texas to Virginia.

place [(1) to put something somewhere; (2) an area or a part of an area; (3) space where a person or thing is; (4) any room, building, town or country] He placed the book on the table. (1) The place you are looking for is on the other side of town. (2) I am staying at his place. (3) Japan is a place I would like to visit. (4) plan [(1) to organize or develop an idea or method of acting or doing something; (2) an organized or developed idea or method] They plan to have a party. (1) The plan will not work. (2) planet [a large object in space that orbits the sun] Earth is a planet. plant [(1) to put into the ground to grow; (2) a living growth from the ground which gets its food from air, water and earth] If you plant this, it will grow. (1) These plants have beautiful flowers in the summer. (2) plastic [a material made from chemicals that can be formed and made into things] I ate with a plastic spoon from a plastic plate on a plastic table. play [(1) to have fun; (2) to not work; (3) to take part in a sport; (4) to make music on an instrument; (5) a story acted in a theater] She plays with her baby. (1) I cannot play today. (2) He plays baseball every day. (3) Will you play the guitar? (4) We saw a play at the theater last night. (5) please [(1) to make one happy; (2) to give enjoyment] He was pleased to see her again. (1) The music is pleasing to her. (2) plenty [(1) all that is needed; (2) a large enough amount] There is plenty of time to see a movie. (1) We have plenty of food. (2) plot [(1) to make secret plans; (2) a secret plan to do something wrong or illegal] Her friends plotted to surprise her with a party. (1) A bank employee discovered the plot. (2) poem [words and their sounds organized in a special way to express emotions] Several of his poems have been published. point [(1) to aim one's finger toward; (2) to aim; (3) the sharp end of something] The man pointed his finger at the suspect. (1) She pointed the gun at the target. (2) The knife had a sharp point. (3) poison [a substance that can destroy life or damage health] Police found poison in the woman's food. police [(1) a government agency responsible for guarding the public, keeping order, and making sure people obey the law; (2) members of that agency] The mayor said police have failed to reduce crime in the city. (1) He said the city needs more police. (2) policy [an established set of plans or goals used to develop and make decisions in politics, economics or business] The new president said he would change the nation's economic policy. politics [the activities of government and of those who are in public office] He enjoys discussing politics with his friends.

pollute [to release dangerous or unpleasant substances into the air, soil or water] The governor said he will act against companies that pollute the air and water in his state.

poor [(1) people with little or no money; (2) lacking money or goods; (3) of bad quality] She has proposed programs to help the poor. (1) His family is poor because he cannot keep a job. (2) The company makes poor products. (3) popular [(1) liked by many people; (2) generally approved by the public] She is a popular girl at our school. (1) A proposal to cut taxes has much popular support. (2) population [all the people in a place, city or country] The population of the world continues to increase. port [(1) a city where ships load or unload goods; (2) a place on a coast where ships can be safe from a storm] Baltimore is a busy port on the Atlantic coast. (1) The ship raced the storm to a safe port. (2) position [(1) a place; (2) the way of holding the body; (3) the way a thing is set or placed; (4) a job (or level of a job) in an organization] The soldiers attacked the enemy position. (1) The position of his body showed he was in pain. (2) Someone changed the position of the bed. (3) Her father holds a high position in the company. (4) possess [(1) to have; (2) to own; (3) to control or be controlled by] She possesses great negotiating skills. (1) He possesses a 1955 Ford Thunderbird car. (2) An evil spirit possessed her. (3) possible [(1) able to be done; (2) can happen or is expected to happen] The train is a possible way to get there. (1) She is a possible candidate for President in 2004. (2) postpone [to delay action until a later time] The meeting is postponed until Tuesday. pour [(1) to flow; (2) to cause to flow] Rain water poured down the mountain. (1) People poured from the store when the alarm sounded. (2) power [(1) the ability to control or direct others; (2) control; (3) strength; (4) ruling force; (5) force or energy used to do work] The police have the power to arrest and question people suspected of crimes. (1) The independent counsel was given the power to investigate the president. (2) Nations have nuclear weapons with the power to destroy the world. (3) The governing power of the United States rests in the Constitution. (4) Water power turns the wheel. (5) praise [(1) to say good things about; (2) to approve] Kelley's professor praised her test results. (1) The father praised his son's decision. (2) pray [(1) to make a request to a god or spirit; (2) to praise a god or spirit] He prayed to ask God to forgive him for the terrible thing he had done. (1) She prayed to give thanks to God for healing her son. (2) pregnant [(1) carrying a child within the body before it is born; (2) expecting to give birth to a baby] She just learned that she is pregnant. (1) The pregnant woman expects to give birth next month. (2) prepare [(1) to make ready; (2) to put together] She is prepared for her trip to Europe. (1) He will prepare dinner. (2) present [(1) to offer for consideration; (2) a gift; (3) now; (4) to be at a place] We will present our idea to the committee. (1) I gave them a present for their anniversary. (2) The present time is a good time. (3) I was present at school yesterday. (4) president [(1) the chief official of a country that is a republic; (2) the leader of an organization] The President of the United States serves a term of four years. (1) His wife is president of our school's parents and teachers organization. (2) press [(1) to urge strongly; (2) newspapers, magazines and other publications] The mayor pressed him for money for his re-election campaign. (1) The opening of the new hospital was fully reported in the local press. (2) pressure [the force produced when something is pushed down or against something else] We expect a storm because the atmospheric pressure is very low. prevent [to keep or stop from going or happening] Doctors are trying to prevent the disease from spreading.

price [the amount of money for which anything is bought, sold or offered for sale] He is asking a fair price for his house.

prison [a place where a person is kept as punishment for a crime] The state is building a new prison because the old one is not big enough.

private [(1) of or about a person or group that is secret; (2) opposite public] Reports say a private army is plotting to take over the government. (1) This private property is closed to public use. (2) prize [(1) something offered or won in a competition; (2) something of value that one must work hard for to get] She knows the writer who won the Nobel Prize last year. (1) The prize that he seeks is peace in the Middle East. (2) probably [(1) a good chance of taking place; (2) a little more than possible] My son's friend probably will eat at our house tonight. (1) We probably will get some rain from those dark clouds. (2) problem [a difficult question or situation with an unknown or unclear answer] She has sympathy for people with those problems. process [an operation or series of changes leading to a desired result] The production process seems to be a success.

produce [(1) to make; (2) to create; (3) to cause something to be; (4) to manufacture] The farmer produced a big crop. (1) Who produced the new action movie? (2) The police produced some new evidence at the trial. (3) His company produces road signs. (4) profession [a job that requires special training] Many doctors are leaving the medical profession. professor [a teacher at a college or university] Do you like your English professor?

profit [money gained from a business activity after paying all costs of that activity] How much profit did you make from selling the stock?

program [(1) a plan of action; (2) the different events or parts of a meeting or show] We have developed a program to increase company profits. (1) Our group is part of the program at the school meeting. (2) progress [movement forward or toward improvement or a goal] Are you making progress on your science project? project [a planned effort to do something] She hopes to complete her science project in about a week.

propaganda [ideas or information used to influence opinions] Does political propaganda win elections?

property [anything owned by someone such as land, buildings or goods] His property extends from here to the river.

propose [to present or offer for consideration] She proposed a new program for teaching English.

protect [(1) to guard; (2) to defend; (3) to prevent from being harmed or damaged] The museum is protecting its valuable paintings with a new security system. (1) The Secret Service protects the White House from any kind of attack. (2) Seat belts and air bags protect the driver and front seat passenger in most new cars. (3) protest [(1) to speak against; (2) to object] The speakers protested the lack of controls on handgun sales. (1) The group protested because their votes were not counted. (2) prove [to show to be true] The defense lawyer proved that the young man was not guilty. provide [to give something needed or wanted] She provided food and warm clothing to the homeless man.

public [(1) of or about all the people in a community or country; (2) opposite private] Everyone could speak at the public meeting. (1) She said she spoke as a private citizen, not as a public official. (2) publication [something that is published such as a book, newspaper or magazine] I do not read that publication. publish [(1) to make public something that is written; (2) to include something in a book, newspaper or magazine] The government published the list of properties. (1) Did the newspaper publish anything about the accident? (2) pull [(1) to use force to move something toward the person or thing using the force; (2) opposite push] Please pull the microphone closer so we can hear you. (1) You have to pull, not push the door to open it. (2) pump [to force a gas or liquid up, into or through] The broken part would not pump fuel from the tank to the engine. punish [to cause pain, suffering or loss for doing something bad or illegal] The judge punished him with a five-year prison sentence.

purchase [(1) to buy with money or with something of equal value; (2) that which is bought] Did you purchase your watch in Switzerland? (1) He used a charge card to pay for the purchase. (2) pure [(1) free from anything that is different or that reduces value; (2) clean] He asked if the ring was made of pure gold. (1) Do not expect pure water from a mountain stream. (2) purpose [(1) the reason or desired effect for doing something; (2) goal] What is the purpose of your trip? (1) His only purpose in life was to make her happy. (2) push [(1) to use force to move something away from the person or thing using the force; (2) opposite pull] She pushed him away. (1) Ed pushed the horse and I pulled it. (2) put [(1) to place; (2) to set in position] She put the dog outside. (1) He put the television where everyone could see it. (2)

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[a hurt or suffering somewhere in the body]
The injury caused him great pain.

[(1) to cover with a liquid color; (2) to make a picture with liquid colors; (3) a colored liquid used to cover or protect a surface]
He will paint his house next week. (1)
She painted this picture when she was young. (2)
How much paint will you need to paint your house? (3)

[a metal container used for cooking]
Cook your food in this pan.

[a thin, flat material made from plants or cloth often used for writing]
I use a lot of paper for my schoolwork.

[a device that permits a person or thing to fall slowly from an airplane or helicopter to the ground]
He jumps from an airplane and his parachute lets him fall slowly to the ground.

[a group of people and vehicles moving together to celebrate a special event or anniversary]
She took the children to watch the Independence Day parade.

[to forgive for a crime and release from punishment]
Presidents can pardon criminals.

[a father or mother]
Her parents will be here later.

[a government lawmaking group]
The government ended parliament and called new elections.

[(1) something less than the whole; (2) not all of something]
I spend part of today planning what I will do tomorrow. (1)
Only a small part of this land belongs to me. (2)

[(1) a group of people working together for a political purpose; (2) a group of people or friends gathered together for enjoyment]
She raises money for the Democratic Party. (1)
Bill has invited everyone to a party at his house. (2)

[(1) to go by or move around something; (2) to move along; (3) to cause or permit to go]
You can pass the car in front of us. (1)
The hours passed slowly as he waited to leave. (2)
The guard passed him through the gate. (3)

[a person traveling by airplane, train, boat or car who is not the pilot or driver]
All passengers and the crew of the airplane survived the emergency landing.

[a document permitting a person to travel to another country]
She was arrested for traveling with a false passport.

[(1) the time gone by; (2) the time before; (3) recent; (4) immediately before; (5) former]
He would like to forget the past. (1)
The records showed the patient had no medical problems in his recent past. (2)
She has not been here for the past few days. (3)
He is the past president of our organization. (4)
He is a past president of our organization. (5)

[(1) a narrow way for walking; (2) a way along which something moves]
We walked along the path together. (1)
He watched the path of the arrow all the way to the target. (2)

[a person being treated by a doctor for a health problem]
The doctors examined the patient carefully.

[to give money for work done or for something bought]
She paid a lot of money for her clothes.

[(1) the condition of freedom from war, fighting or noise; (2) rest; (3) quiet]
We have been at peace for almost ten years. (1)
He was sleeping, at peace with the world. (2)
A shout broke the peace of the early morning. (3)

[(1) any group of persons; (2) all the persons of a group, race, religion or nation]
A large crowd of people welcomed the Pope to St. Louis. (1)
The American people are a mix of the world's people. (2)

[a part of every hundred]
Ten is ten percent of one hundred.

[(1) complete or correct in every way; (2) completely right or good; (3) without mistakes]
It was a perfect performance. (1)
Today is a perfect day. (2)
She had a perfect score on the test. (3)

[to speak, dance or sing in front of others]
She performed perfectly.

[an amount of time within events, restrictions or conditions]
The child went through a period of intense growth.

[(1) never changing; (2) lasting for a very long time or for all time]
Please tell me your permanent address. (1)
Astronauts left an American flag on the moon as a permanent memorial. (2)

[(1) to let; (2) to make possible]
Her parents permit her to work. (1)
The wider doors and raised walkway permit people in wheelchairs to use the building. (2)

[a man, woman or child]
She is a good person to know.

[of the body]
Physical exercise helps keep him healthy.

[the study of motion, matter and energy]
Studying physics takes a lot of time.

[(1) an idea or representation of something as seen by the eye; (2) a painting; (3) what is made with a camera]
She drew a picture of him from memory. (1)
The picture of her was painted many years ago. (2)
My camera takes good pictures. (3)

[a part of something larger]
Please have a piece of my birthday cake.

[a farm animal used for its meat]
He raises pigs on his farm.

[one who guides or flies an airplane or helicopter]
The pilot landed the airplane on a road.

[a long, round piece of material used to move liquid or gas]
The pipe moves oil from Texas to Virginia.

[(1) to put something somewhere; (2) an area or a part of an area; (3) space where a person or thing is; (4) any room, building, town or country]
He placed the book on the table. (1)
The place you are looking for is on the other side of town. (2)
I am staying at his place. (3)
Japan is a place I would like to visit. (4)

[(1) to organize or develop an idea or method of acting or doing something; (2) an organized or developed idea or method]
They plan to have a party. (1)
The plan will not work. (2)

[a large object in space that orbits the sun]
Earth is a planet.

[(1) to put into the ground to grow; (2) a living growth from the ground which gets its food from air, water and earth]
If you plant this, it will grow. (1)
These plants have beautiful flowers in the summer. (2)

[a material made from chemicals that can be formed and made into things]
I ate with a plastic spoon from a plastic plate on a plastic table.

[(1) to have fun; (2) to not work; (3) to take part in a sport; (4) to make music on an instrument; (5) a story acted in a theater]
She plays with her baby. (1)
I cannot play today. (2)
He plays baseball every day. (3)
Will you play the guitar? (4)
We saw a play at the theater last night. (5)

[(1) to make one happy; (2) to give enjoyment]
He was pleased to see her again. (1)
The music is pleasing to her. (2)

[(1) all that is needed; (2) a large enough amount]
There is plenty of time to see a movie. (1)
We have plenty of food. (2)

[(1) to make secret plans; (2) a secret plan to do something wrong or illegal]
Her friends plotted to surprise her with a party. (1)
A bank employee discovered the plot. (2)

[words and their sounds organized in a special way to express emotions]
Several of his poems have been published.

[(1) to aim one's finger toward; (2) to aim; (3) the sharp end of something]
The man pointed his finger at the suspect. (1)
She pointed the gun at the target. (2)
The knife had a sharp point. (3)

[a substance that can destroy life or damage health]
Police found poison in the woman's food.

[(1) a government agency responsible for guarding the public, keeping order, and making sure people obey the law; (2) members of that agency]
The mayor said police have failed to reduce crime in the city. (1)
He said the city needs more police. (2)

[an established set of plans or goals used to develop and make decisions in politics, economics or business]
The new president said he would change the nation's economic policy.

[the activities of government and of those who are in public office]
He enjoys discussing politics with his friends.

[to release dangerous or unpleasant substances into the air, soil or water]
The governor said he will act against companies that pollute the air and water in his state.

[(1) people with little or no money; (2) lacking money or goods; (3) of bad quality]
She has proposed programs to help the poor. (1)
His family is poor because he cannot keep a job. (2)
The company makes poor products. (3)

[(1) liked by many people; (2) generally approved by the public]
She is a popular girl at our school. (1)
A proposal to cut taxes has much popular support. (2)

[all the people in a place, city or country]
The population of the world continues to increase.

[(1) a city where ships load or unload goods; (2) a place on a coast where ships can be safe from a storm]
Baltimore is a busy port on the Atlantic coast. (1)
The ship raced the storm to a safe port. (2)

[(1) a place; (2) the way of holding the body; (3) the way a thing is set or placed; (4) a job (or level of a job) in an organization]
The soldiers attacked the enemy position. (1)
The position of his body showed he was in pain. (2)
Someone changed the position of the bed. (3)
Her father holds a high position in the company. (4)

[(1) to have; (2) to own; (3) to control or be controlled by]
She possesses great negotiating skills. (1)
He possesses a 1955 Ford Thunderbird car. (2)
An evil spirit possessed her. (3)

[(1) able to be done; (2) can happen or is expected to happen]
The train is a possible way to get there. (1)
She is a possible candidate for President in 2004. (2)

[to delay action until a later time]
The meeting is postponed until Tuesday.

[(1) to flow; (2) to cause to flow]
Rain water poured down the mountain. (1)
People poured from the store when the alarm sounded. (2)

[(1) the ability to control or direct others; (2) control; (3) strength; (4) ruling force; (5) force or energy used to do work]
The police have the power to arrest and question people suspected of crimes. (1)
The independent counsel was given the power to investigate the president. (2)
Nations have nuclear weapons with the power to destroy the world. (3)
The governing power of the United States rests in the Constitution. (4) 
Water power turns the wheel. (5)

[(1) to say good things about; (2) to approve]
Kelley's professor praised her test results. (1)
The father praised his son's decision. (2)

[(1) to make a request to a god or spirit; (2) to praise a god or spirit]
He prayed to ask God to forgive him for the terrible thing he had done. (1)
She prayed to give thanks to God for healing her son. (2)

[(1) carrying a child within the body before it is born; (2) expecting to give birth to a baby]
She just learned that she is pregnant. (1)
The pregnant woman expects to give birth next month. (2)

[(1) to make ready; (2) to put together]
She is prepared for her trip to Europe. (1)
He will prepare dinner. (2)

[(1) to offer for consideration; (2) a gift; (3) now; (4) to be at a place]
We will present our idea to the committee. (1)
I gave them a present for their anniversary. (2)
The present time is a good time. (3)
I was present at school yesterday. (4)

[(1) the chief official of a country that is a republic; (2) the leader of an organization]
The President of the United States serves a term of four years. (1)
His wife is president of our school's parents and teachers organization. (2)

[(1) to urge strongly; (2) newspapers, magazines and other publications]
The mayor pressed him for money for his re-election campaign. (1)
The opening of the new hospital was fully reported in the local press. (2)

[the force produced when something is pushed down or against something else]
We expect a storm because the atmospheric pressure is very low.

[to keep or stop from going or happening]
Doctors are trying to prevent the disease from spreading.

[the amount of money for which anything is bought, sold or offered for sale]
He is asking a fair price for his house.

[a place where a person is kept as punishment for a crime]
The state is building a new prison because the old one is not big enough.

[(1) of or about a person or group that is secret; (2) opposite public]
Reports say a private army is plotting to take over the government. (1)
This private property is closed to public use. (2)

[(1) something offered or won in a competition; (2) something of value that one must work hard for to get]
She knows the writer who won the Nobel Prize last year. (1)
The prize that he seeks is peace in the Middle East. (2)

[(1) a good chance of taking place; (2) a little more than possible]
My son's friend probably will eat at our house tonight. (1)
We probably will get some rain from those dark clouds. (2)

[a difficult question or situation with an unknown or unclear answer]
She has sympathy for people with those problems.

[an operation or series of changes leading to a desired result]
The production process seems to be a success.

[(1) to make; (2) to create; (3) to cause something to be; (4) to manufacture]
The farmer produced a big crop. (1)
Who produced the new action movie? (2)
The police produced some new evidence at the trial. (3)
His company produces road signs. (4)

[a job that requires special training]
Many doctors are leaving the medical profession.

[a teacher at a college or university]
Do you like your English professor?

[money gained from a business activity after paying all costs of that activity]
How much profit did you make from selling the stock?

[(1) a plan of action; (2) the different events or parts of a meeting or show]
We have developed a program to increase company profits. (1)
Our group is part of the program at the school meeting. (2)

[movement forward or toward improvement or a goal]
Are you making progress on your science project?

[a planned effort to do something]
She hopes to complete her science project in about a week.

[ideas or information used to influence opinions]
Does political propaganda win elections?

[anything owned by someone such as land, buildings or goods]
His property extends from here to the river.

[to present or offer for consideration]
She proposed a new program for teaching English.

[(1) to guard; (2) to defend; (3) to prevent from being harmed or damaged]
The museum is protecting its valuable paintings with a new security system. (1)
The Secret Service protects the White House from any kind of attack. (2)
Seat belts and air bags protect the driver and front seat passenger in most new cars. (3)

[(1) to speak against; (2) to object]
The speakers protested the lack of controls on handgun sales. (1)
The group protested because their votes were not counted. (2)

[to show to be true]
The defense lawyer proved that the young man was not guilty.

[to give something needed or wanted]
She provided food and warm clothing to the homeless man.

[(1) of or about all the people in a community or country; (2) opposite private]
Everyone could speak at the public meeting. (1)
She said she spoke as a private citizen, not as a public official. (2)

[something that is published such as a book, newspaper or magazine]
I do not read that publication.

[(1) to make public something that is written; (2) to include something in a book, newspaper or magazine]
The government published the list of properties. (1)
Did the newspaper publish anything about the accident? (2)

[(1) to use force to move something toward the person or thing using the force; (2) opposite push]
Please pull the microphone closer so we can hear you. (1)
You have to pull, not push the door to open it. (2)

[to force a gas or liquid up, into or through]
The broken part would not pump fuel from the tank to the engine.

[to cause pain, suffering or loss for doing something bad or illegal]
The judge punished him with a five-year prison sentence.

[(1) to buy with money or with something of equal value; (2) that which is bought]
Did you purchase your watch in Switzerland? (1)
He used a charge card to pay for the purchase. (2)

[(1) free from anything that is different or that reduces value; (2) clean]
He asked if the ring was made of pure gold. (1)
Do not expect pure water from a mountain stream. (2)

[(1) the reason or desired effect for doing something; (2) goal]
What is the purpose of your trip? (1)
His only purpose in life was to make her happy. (2)

[(1) to use force to move something away from the person or thing using the force; (2) opposite pull]
She pushed him away. (1)
Ed pushed the horse and I pulled it. (2)

[(1) to place; (2) to set in position]
She put the dog outside. (1)
He put the television where everyone could see it. (2)