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EnglishLingQ - Eating Out, Part 5

Part 5

Have you been to this restaurant before?

Yes I have been here before.

How often have you been here?

Pardon me?

How many times have you been here before?

I have been here at least 5 times.

What did you say?

I have been here many times.

Here comes the waiter. Let's order.

OK. Let's ask the waiter for the menu.

Hello. I will be your waiter this evening.

Good evening.

Can I get you the menu?

Yes, please bring us the menu.

Would you like to order something to drink while you wait for the menu?

Sure, I will have a beer. What about you, Mary?

No. I am fine for now. I usually do not drink more than one beer.

Part 5 Частина 5

Have you been to this restaurant before? Ви були в цьому ресторані раніше?

Yes I have been here before.

How often have you been here?

Pardon me?

How many times have you been here before?

I have been here at least 5 times.

What did you say?

I have been here many times.

Here comes the waiter. Let’s order.

OK. Let’s ask the waiter for the menu.

Hello. I will be your waiter this evening.

Good evening.

Can I get you the menu?

Yes, please bring us the menu.

Would you like to order something to drink while you wait for the menu?

Sure, I will have a beer. What about you, Mary?

No. I am fine for now. I usually do not drink more than one beer.