

영국 영어에서 full stop이라고도 부르는 마침표는 문장의 끝을 나타낸다. full stop은 약어를 표현하고, 소수점에서 정수를 분리하고, 생략 (문장의 일부가 누락된 것을 보여주는 세 개의 마침표) 을 표현하는 데에도 사용된다.

Mr. Pirez was happy to be part of the new team.

I woke up at 6 a.m. on the dot.

They spent $76.37 in total.

Then he took the microphone, and we all know what happened next…


영어의 쉼표는 문장을 이해하기 쉬운 부분으로 구분합니다. 쉼표를 사용하는 다양한 방법은 다음과 같습니다.

명사, 동사, 형용사 분리

She studied math, geography, history and political science that semester.

I will take almonds, pine nuts, Brazil nuts and macadamias please.

He was so happy he jumped, yelled and danced all the way home.

Yesterday I tripped, dropped my bag and cut my hand falling down the stairs.

My sister is a smart, funny, ambitious and generous person.

I was not impressed by the rusty, dirty and generally beat up car he had for sale.

독립절 분리

We drove home, we did all of the laundry, after that we fell asleep.

I will go tomorrow, I might even get there early.

비한정절 분리

The party, which started at 7 p.m., was for her thirtieth birthday.

My grandma, who is Hungarian, loves to knit scarves for all of her grandchildren.


He left work at noon, didn't he?

We’ve been on the waitlist for months, haven't we?


Wait, you don't have the tickets?

Hmm, this isn't exactly what I meant.

We're having ham for dinner, yes.


느낌표는 놀람, 감탄을 표현하거나 강조하기 위해 사용된다.

Oh my goodness!

You can't be serious!

Turn the music down right now!


물음표는 영어로 의문어, 구 또는 절을 표시합니다.

Where are you going later?

Marc likes chicken, doesn't he?

Is my backpack in the backseat of your car?

You do?


콜론은 목록이나 설명 앞에 오는 문장 부호입니다.

I chose five subjects to study this term: psychology, sociology, biology, chemistry and physics.

There were only two rules: keep your room clean and help out with the cooking.

I had one thing on my mind: how to make as much money as possible that summer.


세미콜론은 긴 목록 항목을 구분하고 독립절을 연결합니다. 쉼표보다 강력하지만 마침표만큼 완결적이지는 않습니다.

I hate doing laundry; all of the separating annoys me.

Many world landmarks, the Matsushima islands in northeastern Japan; the Leaning Tower of Pisa in Italy; the Angkor Wat temple complex in Cambodia; Yosemite National Park in the United States and Victoria Falls between Zambia and Zimbabwe, were still on his bucket list.


따옴표는 다른 사람이 말한 것을 그대로 쓸 때 사용한다.

He told me to "start acting like an adult or leave"!

In my opinion the most beautiful thing shakespeare ever wrote was "This above all: to thine ownself be true. And it must follow, as the night the day, Thou canst not then be false to any man."

I wasn't quite sure what she meant by "respectable clothes", so I wore this suit." %}


영어에서 아포스트로피는 두 가지 용도로 사용됩니다. 아포스트로피는 축약형에서 누락된 글자를 대신합니다:

He can't (cannot) come to work today, he's sick.

You shouldn't (should not) smoke in the hospital.

I'm (I am) running late!

아포스트로피의 다른 용도는 소유를 표시하는 것입니다:

Miranda's purse was stolen from her car.

The school's front gate is locked.

The bus' window had been smashed in the storm.

The women's bathroom line up was very long.


영어에서 하이픈은 복합어와 단어 분할에 사용한다.

The ghost-like figure stood at the window.

My eight-year-old sister came first in the race.

One-fifth of the team had forgotten their hockey sticks.

She kept her computer up-to-date with the latest security software.


괄호는 쉼표와 유사한 방식으로 사용되며, 문장의 의미에 필수적이지 않은 추가 정보를 보여준다.

Her bedroom (which was the biggest) had a huge window overlooking the lake.

I didn’t go to the party (I would have seen him if I did).

One-fifth of the team had forgotten their hockey sticks.

The car (a 2012 Subaru Outback) was filthy from the drive through the field.